. Poetry from The Great In-Between: October 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Dreamers, dream.

Press play and let the music wash over you as you read. Salute.

Heartbroken poems make the most evocative pieces... 

(A lone voice whispers)

My beautiful Lady 

Now forever separated from me

By the grey veil of The Great In-Between 

I still dream of laying with you and watching those incredible Starlings play


Caught in a spiritual vacuum of perpetual peace and tranquillity 

Sleeping in a place surrounded by beds of sweet-smelling red roses

Where their sharp thorns would entwine around our epicentre 

In unison to protect us

And as we held each other tight

As the corrupted world burns and turns to grey smouldering dust

My dark eyes

Undulating and spinning like a priceless kaleidoscope

Would be filled with your early morning prayers

Invoking all Heavenly Angels watching to protect us

As we laid

Vulnerable to the worlds many temptations 

And Dark Angels 

Which too sometimes visited us there

My sweetness

My strand of old magic from aeons ago

I just wish I could still conjure up that shimmering undulating watery

Blue doorway 

To take you to my secret enclave

A place so far away 

From society

Where the broken-hearted 

Can go to heal 

And lay together

In the profound hope 

Their fast-beating hearts

Would no longer tear

But that's all but a crazy old dream

And I'll just have to wait in hope

That one day 

You'll open up my grey gate

And knock on my door 

Number 228 

When you too arrive in the swirling grey mists

Of The Great In-Between

Where we'll be reunited

To live happily ever after without any more pain or fears

But simply in happiness and love 

As we finally lay together

Surrounded by beds of sweet-smelling red roses 

Watching those incredible Starlings play

In these grey skies above

Copyright John Duffy

An Old Soul, Whispers.

Press play before reading.


(A lone voice whispers)

Are we all but made to know sweet love

My child

To then lose it so tragically

Only to try to covet it again

Are we silently compelled to feel the sharp taste of being heartbroken 

From birth

To seek someone new
Here on Earth

To take away the sometimes endless feelings and anxiety linked to pain

After we receive our new name 

Are we all born alone like lonely lost figurines 

Only to unconsciously seek true friends 

To help us along the way
As we slowly walk towards the very end

Are we all but just human

Men and women just constantly reborn 

To live through a new campaign 

To atone for sins

Perhaps committed when we were first here

At the very beginning 
Way back when

An old-time when love was free 

And you could be anything you once prayed to see

I still remember when I too once met love

A stunning red-haired girl called Lucille Dela Moore

Swimming voluptuously in a wicked world of beguiling emotions

One day as I waded knee-deep 
Into one the worlds many blue oceans

Her name is a blazing memory of happier times

For a brief moment 

We loved and lived in a world of new and old love crimes 

Making love

Telling stories and revelling in all its newfound glories 

But now set free by disease from my previous human life

And awaiting my time to be judged

Standing in line 

With so many fathers mothers sisters and brothers

By this Great Old Portals Rock
We all now stand upon

I sometimes wonder 

In the quietness of this omnipotent darkness
I'm stuck in

Does she still remember me
My beloved Lucille

From when we first met

Many years ago
In late November

When her dim yellow light
I once did see

A thought still lingers

Was that single moment just the doorway to one of my earthly sins

Will I forget her 
Like all the rest of my life   

In this 
The threshold to the very end 

Like the cold Winters winds

That I once used to feel

Which blew in so effortlessly in from the West 

When I ascend

Will her name be a mere footprint in Times logbooks 

Of wet never-ending rhymes 

Is my now deep love for her 

One of this life's subtle sins
The Toll Keeper in the Great In-Between 

Will eventually call in

When I'm eventually reborn 
Into that persistent old domain 

To pay for my previous love crimes

Tasked to not feel but to just walk alone 

As a divine payment and retribution for foolishly abandoning 

A gift of free life-changing love 
Called Lucille

In my previous lifetime 

Copyright John Duffy

A Church called Hope and Inner Belief


 (A lone voice whispers)

Do you perhaps need some inspiration on this Halloween 

Do know courage comes from deep within

And can be found and easily seen

For only

You can really see

Beyond what lies

Before your bright

All-knowing eyes

For only you

Can rebuild your hopes and foundations up

To design your own inner church

Where belief can then reside

A safe place to occasionally cry

But a green zone where it never really dies

For only you

Are tasked with

Illuminating your soul

Through eradicating and conquering

Those sometimes monumental mind-numbing

Mountains of Self-doubts





Or lies

And whatever else out of Pandora's purple box 

Happens to fall out

Will you take

The lone walk

Amongst those hidden inner emotional realms

To explore those hidden


And painfully walk onto eventual rebirth 

Through newer possibilities

You maybe hide from

Can you find the deep courage 

To try to persevere

Before your inner kingdom stars fall

Breaking into a thousand lonely pieces of metaphorical silver

Is it within you

To climb that big lonely mountain of Doubts and Fears

And go beyond those painful Plateaus 

After wiping away those wet tears

To a newer

Sanctuary of Strength and Courage

To your new

Beloved Church

For only you can ever truly know and feel

Hope and Inner Beliefs

Soft kiss 

As they both whisper

You can do this 

Copyright John Duffy 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Asmodeus Calls To You

Asmodeus - The Demon - The Creature Of Judgment - Fallen Angel

Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone hybrid voice whispers)

Some may still call me
Astarte or

Some may call me by
My favourite name


As I blow past in the early
Morning breeze

Did you know

I'm just waiting to
Possess your soul

Like how it used
To be

Jesus came to

To my ransack my old temples
And courtyards

For I still see you all
Through my silver scrying mirrors

All those who still
Summon me

At three am

I’ll turn you away
From heaven
To worship a real X-factor and true idol

A new fallen angel
To call as your 


I’ll breach your circle of salt

As you recount channelling

And speaking to lost souls

Ethereal telegrams

Look behind you
Look above you

And look below

Listen carefully as I and all my beautiful and so friendly dark legions

Call by and slowly


There’s now nowhere else to run

For your souls have fired
Molten bullets 

From my black as night conjuring gun

Through that salt circle
Where you once
Kneeled and prayed

At 3 am

The lonely dead
Have now spoken

And I’ll soon come for you

My worshippers

The Unrepentant and Unwashed

Or just those unlooked upon by the Almighty

For you are now
Truly blessed to be carefully

And exquisitely

So keep trolling on

And all
My new captivating technology

Keep drinking
Your gin or choice of liquor

And taking
My so tempting drugs

But when those white lights

Start to shimmer and flicker

When you feel
A sudden strange chill
Running up and down

Your sensuous spine

And you're suddenly
Too weak to run

It’s just me calling
To take you home

To Abaddon

Because you’ve now
Been baptised and anointed

To be just mine

For all that was once done in secret

Will now be exalted from the new rooftops

In your old Jerusalem

And be reborn into my new Bethlehem

So be it
Now sing to me

Like so many of my pagan carnal slaves

Who I rule over now they've come over 

After a night living all alone in their beautiful graves

Call for me
For I'm now 

Your new idol

O’ Call for me
Your only idol

O’Blessed Be

So be it

Copyright John Duffy 


Friday, October 29, 2021

Need A Purging Spell?

 (A lone voice whispers a Halloween spell)

Press play before reading. Salute.

As I sit here

Surrounded by thoughts from The Sacred Book of Shadows

I see you (Add Name of the Person) 

Exposed in so many new ways 

When this golden bell rings

That only a dark Magician would truly know

With the triumph of the passing Halloween moon

Turning the New Year's Great Wheel

I cast this spell from the deep Circle Within 

Go forth and forget me now

With the Drawing of The Three

Forever free from Mankind's sins

Through the falling Mists of Avalon 

May this seek you out and point you on a new quest 

This new inheritance 

Upon thee 

I bequest 

Leave my thoughts be 

As I cast you out

Go find a new Promethean or new Atlantean

Birthed from Gates of Endor 

To carry your luggage and baggage 

Over those sharp Craggs and treacherous wet moors

Over land or sea

So mote it be

Magical Details

When the Moons full. 

Think of someone you wish to repel as you sit in the dark. 

Recite the Spell three times, naming them and then light a candle and blow it out. Ringing a golden bell.

So mote it be. 

Copyright John Duffy

Is Desire One of the Prices of Living?

Press play and let the music wash over you as you read.


(A lone voice whispers)

I once laid
Mesmerised and kept as a prisoner

In desires old cast iron anxiety chains

In loves shadowy jealous abyss

As I watched the slow rise
And fall of your sweet breath

I must admit though
It was a chosen moment

Decided by the
Old Country Gods

That I couldn't resist 

The word 'deliquesce'
Springs to mind

As I once admired you

From afar in Mi Casa Su Casa

Wearing that stunning red dress

For old or new love

Will look deep within
Eager-wide eyes

Right into your hidden tributaries

And delectable deep-depths

Reaching that blessed treasured Blarney Stone

You always unknowingly carry around

Known as your indomitable ageless
Precious old soul

Once there

It will dance freely and

Like Dorothy
In her sparkling brand new

Ruby red slippers

Down that new or familiar

Yellow Brick Road

Looking for that hidden
Red Room

Where you lay open
Exposed vulnerable
And ready to explode

Your bright eyes will sing

For all in that Red Room
To hear

For Desires beautiful eyes

Which now consume me
And whisper of old sins

Hold me in silver chains

Once committed before God

In our lush Garden of Eden

A holy sanctuary

Where we once
Long ago
Felt safe

Metaphorically guarded by Gaius Julius Caesars

Many fearless legions

But now as we
Slowly dance upon

Old and worn gossip-filled dance floors

Trapped between the fall
Of the silvery moonlight

And the rising of
Helios life-giving rays

My life
Is but a soft whisper
Floating gently

Through the winds of Time

All I can add to the
Master of all Ceremonies

Never-ending archives

Is I'm glad
I once held you
and claimed you as mine

Copyright John Duffy 

Weltschmerz: The man worn down by the world's ills.


Press play before you read. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

Looking for answers in this

The blackest of all pits
filled with bitter but sweet tasting human emotions

Illuminated by the flickering half glow of this fading miners lantern

Sat by my burning coal fire at four am

I write these few words down for future inspiration 

To encourage me before I f
eel the need to subdue the sharp pang of my apotheosis of all old friends 

With this sweet tasting malt whiskey 


The one who I turn to ritually

Called Mr Damnation 


For to be able to hear you whisper 

So be it again


I'd be driven crazy 

As I caress your precious velvety memories 

And admit to that grim-faced shadow of a man


My own perpetual stalker 

Who's staring back in this faded old black mirror 

Whispering that I should try to carry on


Thinking back to those happier times 

When we might have had a chance to be optimistic like so many

But just like every other third couple 


Who met and tried to stay together

While wading knee-deep 
in newly discovered rivers of uncertainty 

Through trial and error 


We were tragically pursued by the real broken ones 

Those living in painted white houses 

With twitching grey curtains made of out cheap 


Those who deem themselves to be

The Beautiful Ones in society 


The badly polished and preened

Strutting about with all their treacherous airs and graces

Just to be seen


We were unjustly discriminated against 
by those like feverish lions 

Those sad losers 
Who deemed our liaison


To be tainted and under their covetous judgemental eyes

To be on so many levels

Immorally corrupted and dangerously fragmented 


But to you, my beloved


Now erroneously judged 

Likened to a corrupt 17th-century museum 

Filled with pagan occult pictures

By a cancel culture fuelled by heathen convictions


My soon to be obsolete heart still sings 

As it remembers those wild crazy days and passion-filled nights


When we stood firm and issued 

All those endless FUs with such excitement and rage


How we then ran away from Deep Dale

With anything we could muster and carry

To turn a new page

Caught a flight North and got married


Went to Las Vegas
Booked into The Bellagio 


Cruised the Strip and made wild drunken oaths 

To each other that we'd never be tempted to go back

No matter what news or stories we hear

Broadcasted over the TV or radio 


I hope tonight 

As I close my eyes for maybe the last time 

As my nice lifelong friend

Doc Dupont says my last prayers and rites

Over malt whiskey and ice


You know 

You were always my life’s 

True one and only 


And I truly understand why you left


It's not easy trying to live with the news 

Of both of your parent's sudden deaths


Even though after all these years since you've been gone

My heart still skips a beat 

For I know my love channelled 
through my treasured memories 

Will soon
To you flow so damn easily


Reuniting you with those incredible few years


When we escaped to The Bellagio

And lived together 

For a short while to renew


Free from the long reach of The Beautiful Ones 

Living together so peacefully  


And now as I reflect

I never knew lonely until that fate dayful day in 1998

When I lost you


Copyright John Duffy


Life's First Unspoken Law