. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Libertas

Monday, November 4, 2024



(A lone voice whispers)

Some say to be free

And avoid being played 

By anyone or anything 

Consumed and discarded like a cheap bottle of lemonade 

By the charge of those drinking warm bottles of Kool-Aid 

From their brown bag of tricks 

You have to open your eyes real wide to see

To try to see what they plan and say in the shade

To see what they really know and places they go

To hear the true sounds of the bells they ring

And in that moment 

As you watch with bright eyes aglow

To hear what songs they sing

As their record plays 

You will know where their loyalties lay

And know

If you're being played or betrayed 

By those dark souls

Who hide 

Like members of The Lost Crusade 

Amongst the dark shadows of humanities deadly nightshade 

Called politics 


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy

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