. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Have you found true love yet?


(A lone voice whispers)

And so here we are

Two souls 

Who have travelled through all weathers 

So far

Sometimes with hands held


Sometimes in spirit 

Sometimes through fire

But all the time


Braving the looks and gossips of all the world's many soul draining vampires

Climbing over all obstacles laced with metaphorical barbwire

To walking through wildfires

Like Lord Narayan and Goddess Mahalakshmi 

And that my love

Is why I still love you

For you're so special

And you help me renew

And those two are the only things that matters or attracts me

As you keep me afloat and navigating 

Life's Black Sea

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Does finding true love 

Bring with it, courage but more importantly

a sense of spiritual growth and self rejuvenation

Each morning as one wakes up next to their true love?

Friday, January 3, 2025

Poetic Therapy

And so like David Copperfield 

I disappear through words

So you can heal


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece 

A study found composing poetry created a meaningful way to process complex emotions

And attempting to find certain words to represent feelings 

Can help to reduce the emotional mind enduring stress

And so for so

Poetic Therapy

Is such magical fun

Image shared under fair usage policy 

The Curo

 The Curo

(A soft soothing voice whispers)


I'm talking to the inner you

That curious child who never died as you grew

What do you sense or see 

When you hear my voice

Within your head 

Above the tranquility or violence of modern living

Do you unconsciously instinctively get me


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Do we instinctively get drawn to certain works by chance, or by our inner child's, curious eyes?

The Appointment

 The Appointment 

(A lone happy voice whispers)

I went to the doctor's today

At 9 am for my results appointment 

Like one of those disciples at the last supper

Scared beyond belief

I walked in smiling the widest smile I could conceive

But when she told me 


It's all gone

And you're all clear

I then smiled 

With utter relief


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Visiting the doctors or hospital can be such a traumatic time, and one can sometimes put on a brave front.

But when all ends well, have you felt that thrilling pure, unadulterated adrenaline, accelerate through your veins?

Image shared from Pixabay under fair usage policy.

The Appalachian

 Press play.

The Appalachian

(A lone voice whispers)

I was born at midnight when the stars shone

When Papa looked me over and said 


That boys wrong

But Ma said 


That boy will grow up

And he'll need support

For just know 

He's a voice and a great song

And so my friend

That's how my life begun 

In a caravan 

On the trail

Following the rising sun


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Are country folk the best folk untainted by society?

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Process

The Process

To some, 

Poetry is a sophisticated form of release

To others

A form of exquisite escapism from maybe escalating tensions 

Around the world

But a silent question 

A low whisper carried on the hungry lips of all those

Singing silent stories of love and pain 

Lost in thoughts 

In its delicious rain

Did that rhyme or do I have to rewrite it again


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year


And so another year begins

A year, hopefully filled with happiness and hallelujahs

Built up to stand resolutely on a foundation of inspired resolutions

As old and new dreams are kept alive or revived 


Copyright John Duffy 

If Love could speak

 Did love, when tasted like a fine red or white wine, change you forever? 


If Love could speak

(A lone voice whispers)

Yes, I

From whence all gloriously driven emotionally 

Notorious or mysterious sensuous pain or enjoyment 

Stems from

Heartbreaking strenuous anxiety but also soul rousing feelings 

Which beats loudly your life's drums like a reborn John Bonham

On a rare mid-summer night

Filled with wild rain or sun

Soaking all gathered with the precious aroma of an exquisite, expensive perfume

Which invades all minute spaces like an insidious thief

In any particular room

When l invite you 

If you dare 

To welcome me in

To then see the world through new crystalline lens

As your soul finally matures and burns

As it's put through my exceptionally complicated

But sophisticated extraordinary fires

To be eventually 

Willingly or unwillingly cleansed

By having an affair with me as I answer all of your hearts prayers

By leading you to my lair


By the hand 

Copyright John Duffy

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Stripped bare

I stood before her


In all her glory 

What will this year bring

More of the same 

Or will happiness reign 

So as I stand 

Stripped bare

Before her

In all her glory

I can only pray 

This year 

Is going to be filled 

With better stories 

(C) Copyright John Duffy 


 Sometimes, moving on is all you can do. 


After a year of silence 
I'll walk into 2025

With the hope to find someone new
To replace you

Copyright John Duffy

Did love break you?