. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Need some inspiration?



Do you sometimes look back through the misty window of yesteryear

And see how far you've come 

As you still run

Seen those old fall me down days as the days that made you rise

With a strength that made many silently step back in surprise


Copyright John Duffy 

Demencia (S)

 Demencia (S)

On any given midnight 

Beneath each and every fallen night sky

Living lost 

In this wild city's jungles

Your memories linger

Growing in numbers

Like passing country fairs

Walking in unexpectedly 

Smiling like a reborn JFK

Only to be stolen away 

By Father Time 

Like a new Cunningham

Burke or Hare

Life's true 

Ladrona de tumbas

Of T cells

As he erodes eventually 

Everything he touches

As my synapses crumbles

And I enter a new hell 


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.


Ladrona de tumbas (S)

Grave robbers

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Need a lift?


Here's to you 

All the creatives

The gifted natives 

Who know

How powerful the impact 

Of poetry and its estate is


Copyright John Duffy 



Press play.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Voice of Kübler-Ross


The Voice of Kübler-Ross

As a lost soul-searching for their loved one,

As I still grieve

After ten years 

Who crossed the Silver Pond 

My question always is

Do people still believe,

there is life beyond


Great Beyond?


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Pied Piper of Agartha

 Foundation of the piece.

Do you sometimes wish to escape the hectic noise and low vibrational energy, in the world, today?

The Pied Piper of Agartha

(A lone voice sings within a whisper)

Would you willingly follow me 

Into the Green Hollow

If I pulled back the veil 

And showed you a way in 

To get swallowed 

To escape 

To a wild world of verbs and contradictions

With love and laughter 

Singing and whispering like loose

Chord progressions

As the old world recedes 

Into the distance 

To escape from your weary grotto of 

Penitentiary existence 

To unite in the Green Hollow

With others



Writers and all good folk

As our last line of resistance 

From a world subjugated by darkness

As kindness

Compassion and Love 

Are no longer viewed 

As a pièce de résistance


Would you willingly follow me

Into the Green Hollow

If I pulled back the veil

And showed you a way in 

To get swallowed 

To escape 

To a wild world of verbs 

And contradictions

With love and laughter 

 Singing and whispering 

Like loose



As your old world 


Into the 


To escape 

From your weary grotto 

Of penitentiary existence 

To unite in my Green Hollow

My Green Hollow 

As your life's

As your life's

Pièce de Résistance


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Enochian

 The Enochian

(A lone voice whispers)

Some may sometimes wonder if the Shadows are at work

When depravity and desire explode like New Year's Eve fireworks 

While the Blind don't see

But swim in its dark seas


Saturated by its rain

Then caught and consumed like Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

By the Devil's Networks


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Has the commercialisation of sex and depravity, saturating nearly all forms of media, happened by insidious design?

To reshape and desensitize humanity?

The Monologue of The Toll Keeper


 (A lone voice whispers)

Do you want to hear some whispered rules from the Great In-Between

The Fourth Dimension 

Well, here goes

Number 1

Find an everlasting love song

Knee-deep in lust for a real-life

And make

Number 2

Unrequited love

The Rebellious Song of the Transformational

As you throw away its emotional sharp knife

Make number 3

A layer cake of evocative delicious delights

To be explored and greedily devoured with your dearly beloved

Hidden from the watching dark shadows  

Like thieves all around you

In the middle of any given night

And find number 4

The ancestral strength in midnight memories and ritualistic ceremonies

Of deep meaningful love 

Within echoes from those now out of sight

Ascended so high above 

To regain number 5

The strength to carry on and fight to finally

Find loves hidden highways and as you take flight

To embrace the sacred thought that your Guardian Angels

Always watch over and protect you and your family and friends in every way

Especially at night with their unspoken prayers

And you my beautiful child 

Will be okay 

In all of your life's affairs

Whatever angels or demons 

Some of our earthly concessionaires

For upstairs or downstairs

Whisper or say

When they come out to play



Copyright John Duffy

Did love break you?


(A lone voice whispers)

When your Corazón

Broke you in two 

Like America

With the war on cotton

Did you become one of Corazón orphan's

Filled with precautions

Praying for another's heart

In the long run

As you weighed up newer options 

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

What does Corazón mean in English?

The heart.

Foundation of the piece.

Are the once broken more selective?

Friday, January 10, 2025

Eternal Love

 Eternal Love 

(A lone voice whispers)

A pure love once found 

Before birth

At the beginning

Then once lost

While crossing the Great Barrier and Frost 

To walk on mortal grounds

With those mesmerized by sinning

Through gold and pleasure 

Is a beauty bound

To search for

In all weathers 

By the longing sounds

That forever

Binds and calls to

Two souls 

Entwined and enshrined 

To come together 

By once hearing

Angels singing 

In unison

As Time 


In a profound place 

When lovers 

First met 

Before crossing the Great Barrier and Frost 

To get their souls wet

In the mortal lands of sinning

Unknowingly knowing 

They were marked 

Before birth

As lovers

At the beginning 

Copyright John Duffy

Foundation of the piece.

Do we have a true soulmate, once met before birth, and are we just drawn unconsciously to find them?

Image shared under fair usage policy 
