. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Friday, January 31, 2025

The Rise and Fall of Sun and Moon


(A lone voice sings by campfire)

Drifting on a lone cloud
I sing

Of things
Once seen

The Sun and Moon
Who knows my name

For they too
And set

The world over
In pain

So I dream
I dream again

Whispering to them both

O tell me
O tell me

Will I dream alone
Until the end

And into solitude

Or will wisdom's spirit
Fly to me

So tell me
O tell me

Sun and Moon

Will I wander
With this hole

In my endless
Dark Night
Of the Soul

Or will my world
My Great Seal
Hear me

And help me

Tell me
O Tell me

Was all revealed
From beginning
About the end

When I caught
Her white feather

Tell me
O tell me

Elemental Spirits and

I call to you

Sky and Moon

Will I love once more
And open
A new door

To feel what's
In this endless quest

As I try to pass
All tests
Once set

Or will

From Sun and

Tell me

She comes

On waves

Of The Winter's

And to still sing
The lost echoes

Of this

A once-lost
Tune called

The Rise and Fall of Sun and Moon

She comes

On waves

Of The Winter's


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy



(A lone voice whispers)

To circumvent the irreducible

To find a lasting legacy

To endure within

Life's ever so fast-flowing crucibles

Tell someone some stories

Make up some stories

In books or poetry 

Create the foundations of your own divine masterpiece 

Be a glorious priceless commodity displaying such incredible magnanimity

It's how you'll soar to newer heights from here to infinity 

Listen to me as I whisper

The old master of life's crucibles

Don't just be a daily ritual 

You adhere to

As you slowly search, 

Looking for a way 

To get through 

But be expressive 

Beyond excessive 

Be wilfully wild

Like an unruly child

And bravely say

Rules were always meant to be broken 

Or will you simply drift

Socially conditioned

To a dark place

Where dreams and possible stories 

And all their glories


Forever held in check

Never to be spoken 

Chained to your minds 

Dark unparalleled 

Unvisited pillars 

Lying abandoned and unspoken, 

Or will you instead 


Like a phoenix 

From scorched remains

Embrace life and all you meet

Before the Dark Tall Man


And stops you as your living soul has to silently admit defeat 


Copyright John Duffy 

Thursday, January 30, 2025



The boy sees the rain

His feet and hair gets so wet

Monsoon season love

(C) Copyright John Duffy 



Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Forerunner Dreams

 Press play.

Forerunner Dreams

To shake off darkness

When the pain comes creeping in

I still think of you

(C) Copyright John Duffy 



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Friendships Beyond Time And Space

 Every time I come online, someone I once knew has crossed over.

So before we enter into the second month of a new year, here's a piece to ponder upon.



In time 

As the slow seconds 


We can sometimes 


As we wilfully enjoy 

Our lives

And all the ensuing 


The family 

Or friends

We've always taken for 


Might be unknowingly 


Or in a real fix 

So this year 

Break those chains

Of self-imposed bondage 


That they maybe 

Alone or feeling 



To still visit 

Those friends and family you cherish 

With fondness 

For all clocks tick

And follow

A strange and

Mysterious dance


To embrace their love and friendship 


While they're still alive


You still have 

A chance 

In 2025


Copyright John Duffy

Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?

 Press play.


Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?

(A lone voice whispers to his true love as Mother Moon, watches)

My Sophia

Are we are like the mythical

Adam and Eve

Walking upon the grey shores

Of a lost planet

Hidden in the deepest of space

Our true love holding us

Knee-deep in make believe 

As if buried alive

Where we will witness

The birth of nebula's


And rediscovered Old Gods

A new Atlantis

Filled with wild pagan beasts and jealous old women and men

Where we will stride beyond the reach of the

Masters of the Masonic Temples

Erecting their secretive

Light barriers

So we can part the soft pink pages

In our own Books of Exquisite Pleasure

To be then perused and used

At our inquisition and leisure

As we watch the fall of the new AI-driven human

With the rise of the

Cosmic Red Serpent

Laying upon the yellow sands and shorelines

As the new time of crucifixions begins again 

To see the visceral sights and smells 

As new spellbound disciples yell 

Palaces and institutions 

May burn and be

Aflame before us

A new vision of a world consumed with

Corruption and sin

For as we watch, we will know

We are lone riders of

The Great Red Dragon once foretold

We are some of the mythical poets and writers 

World and Empire 


Who never grow old


Me and you 

My Sophia

My queen

Who collects the Universes many hidden stories

For in time

To be simply retold


Just reborn as poets today

No longer

Citizens of any known countries

Just sent again

From The Great In-Between

To release new thoughts and words like red balloons to float 

To encourage and nourish inquisitive minds

Which are perpetually hungry

For enchanting new stories

To rebel in this glory

Contained and captured in this 

Our everlasting promissory note

Released like celebration balloons 

Into new readers minds

To forever 

Settle or float 

Copyright John Duffy

Sunday, January 26, 2025




l still miss that sweet voice

Whose noise used to make my heart rejoice 

But choices made need to be paid without delay

So the Big Old Church Book says


Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

The person who thought the grass was greener on the other side.

Channeling Eros

 Foundation of the piece.

Why do people get into relationships when they know deep down, it won't end well?

Are they under a spell?

Channeling Eros

(A lone voice whispers) 

Why must the soul within you all

Constantly seek out momentous defining emotions

Require it so damn deep

Covet and desire extraordinary sensations to rebel wildly within

To show the many sad watchers

Who fears that uncontrollable need to follow

That unconscious craving bound to ungodly bargaining

Which could ultimately destroy all they know if my red pill they swallow

Whilst lost in the throes of physical thoughts 

Linked to carnal sin

Where in their soft arms 


Love embodied in such as me

Could eventually break you in two 

Is that why my gift of devotion is such a powerful tool

For the many in humanity who throughout all eternity and to this glorious day

It still wonderfully constantly fools


Copyright John Duffy

Image by Artist George Redhawk

Shared under fair usage policy 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Have you experienced Want?


(A lone voice whispers)

Am I the sacred answer you all still seek

In 2025

As you thrive

You the strong

Or you maybe the weak

Could I but be your embodiment

Of a divine heaven or much-needed spell in hell

To increase the flow of every single red blood cell

Some say I’m the sweetest lullaby dark angels sing

A sonnet of damnation or intense pleasure for the soul

As it grows as life's golden wedding bells still rings 

Am I but the luscious green meadow of sensuous experiences 

Everyone wishes to go through

From the curious to the notorious 

Knee deep

Before they leave this land

To trespass to who knows

My weapons have started and ended so many wars

On personal and world stages 

And history throughout the ages is littered with my scars

So am I but the all-consuming knife

To pierce the cold hearts and lonely minds

Of those who linger lost 

Below the long tall shadows

Desperately seeking something

To reignite their light

I've been called the true life force of all creatures

Big or small

Untamed or just broken

Ancient woodland groves 

Still sing pagan spoken songs of me in the darkness

Many old names are conjured and woken 

But only one remains

I live to revisit shamefully darkly lit places

And opulent palaces of loquacious words of lascivious sin

As it happens 


Woods and hotel rooms 

Still carry the lingering sensual

Scent of my many visits

And they all pine and

All pray for my return

As twenty-five minutes ends

Like mankind's four legged friends 

Am I but the sunless sustenance 

Your lonely soul needs

For once you are firmly within my grasp

I will own you for all your remaining

Days and nights

For once you’ve tasted my sweet red liquor

I’ll always own you as long as your light flickers

For I can be the new Adam or old Eve

Forever stalking your own

Gardens of Creation

I've walked through all countries naked

This you better believe 

And my name is often carried upon the wet hungry lips

Of the seduced 

Within every nation

I could be the very glimmer

You need

To survive 

Whilst lost in the darkness

But also the greedy temptation of The 

Almighty Black Sun

The giver of reconciliation of the soul and the knife-edge 

On which you may perpetually balance

Do you know my name yet

I'm simply the two-edged sword bestowed to all living creatures

From so high above

My name is already known to you.

So much happiness in pain 

Within four letters

I've been around forever

Just ask your ancestors as you pray tonight 

And they'll say

Want always appears in the heat of sensual pleasure 

Smiling like a Demi God in the half light

At the thought of 

If she'll be still welcomed home 

Tomorrow night

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy

The Soldiers' Wedding Vow