. Poetry from The Great In-Between: I'm sending the Raven

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I'm sending the Raven

Press play and let the music wash over you as you read.

My Eternal Love

Forever think and
To me 

Every night and
In the early
Morning breeze 

And just as the twinkling stars 
Bid their heartfelt goodbyes

Within your blazing eyes
I shall always live on 
And always come alive

To continuously 
Remind you of 
How happy 
We once used to be 

The memories 
The laughter
So much happiness 
And joy

In all the many old 
You still see

I may now dance 
Amongst long lost galaxies 
Or unknown faraway stars

But whenever you think of me

I'll always appear 
Like a soft feeling

A subtle gust of wind
Or a white feather

 A familiar smell or sensation
Wherever you are
Across the earth

Or simply hidden
Within any nation

I maybe now 
Part of the
Unknown paranormal 

But my love for you 

Will simply last 

We were once 
Baptised to be 

For we are eternal 

So I'm sending the raven
To carry my love to you

To help to carry you out of the darkness
So I'm sending the raven

Copyright John Duffy 2019

The Guide