. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Preacher

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Preacher

Press play and let the music play as you read, if you are on a laptop.

When you were born

Did you know

God wrote you into
The Divine and Eternal
Majestic Book of Life

It may be filled 
And overflowing with tranquil moments
Of deep happiness

A dash of serene 
Soul refreshing 

Or maybe endless
Seemingly all-consuming strife

But know this
Deep inside 
That hidden room where you
Stand in emancipation

Free from bondage or slavery
When you sleep

His plan for you 
Has always been
For you to conquer those dark daunting
Slow-moving lonely nights

To willingly use whatever is within
Your reach

Find someone or just something
To learn from and love as they begin to 
Unravel and teach

Above all
Know this

God so loves you
And waits for that
Final loving embrace

On Eternities
Never-ending yellow beaches

But for now
Simply always
Prays for you

As he lovingly 
Watches you simply
Stumbling around

And as your life slowly evolves
And rolls

To your everlasting soul

Nightly silently preaches

Will you listen though?

Copyright John Duffy 2019

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