. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The voice of Raphael

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The voice of Raphael

 The voice of Raphael

Press play and let the emotional music wash over you as you read. Salute. 

The voice of Raphael 

(A lone voice whispers)

I'm a hidden mercenary

An angel 

A bringer of the 

Purple Flame

Often seen 

As a young man

Carrying a staff

But I'm just 

A tollkeeper 

And opener of occult doorways 

To secretive places from 

The Great In-Between 

Held in the 

Great Pagan 


Of so many 


One of the ancient inhabitants 

Forever reborn 

An original citizen

of a lost faraway world 

A holy city

Beyond the Great Veil

The Gatekeeper is just my magical occult sigil

Say my invocation spell three times 

And I'll appear 

To help you materialise those dark dreams of love

Or wealth 

You hold dear

It's that simple

O' Ancient One

Great Gatekeeper 

from beyond the 

Great Shadows

Hear my call and come hither forth

O' Ancient One

From beyond the Great Shadows

Hear my call and come visit me

whilst I dream 

Riding upon your great white horse

O' Blessed Be

O' Ancient One

Great Gatekeeper from beyond the

Great Shadows

Hear my call and come hither forth

Did you do it

The look in your eyes says yes
If you really confess

For I'll be visiting you


In the low hours

Just after 


So mote it be

If God will allow 


Copyright John Duffy 

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