. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Sad Monday Blues

Monday, March 1, 2021

Sad Monday Blues


I went for a cleansing ceremony a few weeks ago, 

As I've felt the presence of a negative energy stalking me as I slept.

So after I spoke to someone in the know.

Here's the story of that particular show. 


After entering the Mage's dimly lit

Incense filled

Smoky room, 

he immediately said a dark shadow 

Invisible to the human eye

Had followed me in 

And to sit down on the black leather chair 

Beside the white bowl

When he splashed some holy water around me,

In a wide circle

Some of the drops fizzled with rage, I swear.

And after leaving with a blessing of secret incantations, 

I am sworn to not to repeat anywhere 

He said I am stalked by a lost soul from the Dark Valleys.

From the Lower Levels

And I should stop any contact with their living families

 If I had any and gradually things will return to normal.

He said no matter what they seek to do, say or write

I should ignore their attention-seeking stories or plights

For they are just another dark rite 


Maybe with others in the middle of the night 

For they are but Archons in disguise 

Who simply want to feed off my negative energy

Caused by their lies

He ended with these lines.


Just pray for them and that they may with new courage, 

Still seek the Lord's light and he, The Almighty,

May welcome them back and absolve their many hidden sins.


As I mourn for the loss of someone lost forever to me as I return from their funeral today, 

And having to deal with this negativity, I feel.

All I can offer is my prayers that you

The lost soul from the Dark Valleys.

 See the light 

And leave the darkness 

For I forgive you.

For true forgiveness is real

For it's a gift that no one can ever steal


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

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