. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Gwenevere

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Let me in

I whisper to your old feverish memories in this semi-darkness

Between these two great voids

Separating me and you and so many others

By ethereal panes of shattered glass filled with tangible strands of much-loved recollections

So I can once again cross the deep oceans of Hippocampus

Flying for days and nights under its episodic sunshine and rocky shores

So I can warm you with my old love

For I will never stop and as you listen to this wherever you are

My hearts whispered secretive spells will forever yell

To reach that forbidden place to the living

That stays hidden as it holds you in its tight grip of a new seclusion

I can only pray my words are carried to lay before your new eyes

By this grey smoke gushing from my incense candle in these rushing four winds

Which will find a way to bind you to me again

So we can continue what we once found in this lifetime

A beautiful treasure called a meeting of similar minds  

Copyright John Duffy

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