. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Invitation

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Invitation

Press play. Salute.

Let me in

I whisper in the darkness

Across deep blue oceans and rocky yellow sandy shores

To warm you up my new love

For I'm so hot

Let my whispered dark spells

Carried by grey smoke in the gushing four winds

Reach those once frozen tears

Falling from those beautiful eyes and reach deep into your lonely heart.

Feel its raw flame

Crimson like its one true colour 

As it engulfs you with total ease

Hot to the touch like fire

So addictive and seductively consuming

But beware

When it touches humans

Some are forever emotionally ruined

But like a rare expensive bottle of red wine

Bestowed from the dark places unvisited 

Let me melt those cold glaciers that surround you with soul-warming fires

Burning and spinning within my endless dark eyes

Feel the heat from my hands on your breast

The breath of my mouth

Tasting each word as your soul opens up 

Its dark doors and pleads to confess

No more to wait

But to climb my red ladder out of the darkness of Naamah's endless grey void

Before your beautiful soul is tainted and stands in line 

With so many others who make a mockery of emotions

Before they are destroyed 

No more to lie frozen under heartbroken spells

Conjured by dark shadows from leather-bound grimoires from the Lesser Key of Solomon

As you bathe in deep silence under a darkened purple-hued sky

Let that flame that once flickered so low but never really died

Those discarded old dreams which once laid forgotten in old days and lonely nights

Come back to life 

As I force back Damballa's darkness with my shining Astral knife

Are you kneeling naked and vulnerable in your red room

Awaiting my soft touch

Can I baptise you like Saint John The Baptist

To walk knee-deep into new seas of Galilee

Is that low spark of Longing

On fire in your very centre

Your precious divine spiritual altar

Aflame and burning so bright

Are you ready to get drunk on this lascivious potion 

I always carry

Stolen from the encampments on the perilous mountains of Asmodeus called Mother Temptation 

Will you drink and feel the burn

To melt as all those old once hidden feelings 

Slowly return

Will you then sleep unfrozen as they creep in

Is it then you will ask me

In hushed soft whispers to take you under and whisper new red love spells

To listen as you then slowly confess 

As your soul no longer weeps 

Just say yes

And acquiesce

My new muse

I'll be that willing shoulder and ear to listen

As all your previous fears  have a means to be expressed

As your new eyes shine in an exotic half-light and begin to come alive and glisten

Copyright John Duffy

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