. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A spirit speaks

Sunday, July 18, 2021

A spirit speaks

(A lone voice whispers)

If Life could speak to just you.
Would the conversation go like this?

To truly love
My beautiful child

Is to find an angel

Dancing in the bluest of early morning skies

To know intimately and revel within

Freely given joy and wisdom
Within its bright ever shining eyes

To know real happiness
My beautiful child is to embrace

All those subtle moments with family and friends

Before you suddenly die every day

A true wonderful narrative my beautiful child

To lighten up your own stardust filled night skies

A means my beautiful child

To rekindle trust between two passionate beating hearts

To once again re-enter the world and see through a once innocent child's eyes

As everything before you gradually unfurled

To eventually embrace the beauty of a perpetually ageing old hand

As the Almighty's bands constantly play

For it's through all those pivotal experiences

If you are willing to open up that magnificence

You'll learn to find

A means to rebuild

To find a new shelter and start laying a new foundation

Alway's away from suspicious envious green eyes

Instead in a safe refuge overflowing

With courage and laid blissfully within someone's caring warm arms

For when all the pieces are maybe ready to be picked up again

You'll find the desire to begin and no longer hide and cleverly pretend

To believe you are not cursed forever

Sitting in the dark all alone

Inflicting penance on oneself, as you seek new avenues to walk down

To atone

Just remember
My beautiful child

That life

Your life is but a priceless gift and your time given is to simply cherish it

For those who chose to believe

They are truly illuminated for they simply know that

Newer adventures are always on the distant sunlit horizons

Just waiting for your touch

Hopes and dreams waiting to be breached and clutched

It's simply part of what
Life has to teach

You are here maybe
Some say

For three score and ten and my beautiful child

You will never call again

So before your own treasured part of your Life is run

Be sure to frolic

Take chances on people or places

Do it with kindness and compassion

Take risks and have some much-needed fun

Don't be a sad bystander filled with regrets when Master Death

Fires his eloquently loaded invisible black gun 

Good night!

Copyright John Duffy

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