. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Romeo whispers

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Romeo whispers


(A lone voice speaks)

In the midst of it all

The tragic heartbreak

The ongoing pain and sorrowful stories to regale any sad Saturday night

I once smiled at the long list of offered assumptions

Personal assassinations and their much-cherished delusions

They clung on to like much-treasured gold

I thought I was a good man

I dreamed of finding a love-filled with happiness and in old age 

Grow together old

But instead 


I died

And now all alone 

Sent to sit here in bitter purgatory to reflect by the Almighty

For aeons

Besides a lone yellow candle for company

Which keeps back the darkness with its fluttering amber flame

I saw how I was buried

No carefully chosen music

All sombre with no real caring tears which cried 

Or heralded my earthly name

Well, it's one thing to know life but when The Angel of Death comes around

Quietly calling

Who'll shout and pray for you after your time is due

For before the end

Take these candid words from a friend who knows

And repent and be reborn into eternal glory 

It's how your story will live on as you transcend 

Or you too could be soon seated by a fluttering yellow flame 

Your only company

Which holds back the encroaching darkness

Here in these great dark lands

Known to the many and the lonely 

Cursed and into aeons 

Repeatedly calling themselves the Fallen in Purgatory 

Copyright John Duffy

A monologue from a faint voice. Conjured via my scrying mirror. Salute.  

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