. Poetry from The Great In-Between: If Angel Gabriel Could Speak in 2021. The Year of Covid.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

If Angel Gabriel Could Speak in 2021. The Year of Covid.


If Angel Gabriel Could Speak in 2021. The Year of Covid.

(A lone voice whispers)

I have lived and walked for more than a thousand years

Amongst you

The ever-growing and changing masses

I have heard and answered so many heartfelt prayers

Spoken in the long shadows and convinced so many to stay the course

Whenever they felt doubtful as things seem to fall apart at the seams

Or just got increasingly worse or perverse

To always remember

No matter how magnetic the seductive pull of temptation

To appreciate how green their own grass is

I've held soft and hard hands

Consoled the young and old and tried to comfort

So many crying silently in the painful mazes of their own darkness

Its unspoken number is truly unfathomable

I have been a whispering Mage appearing in diverse forms before so many others

Sent by the Almighty on High to try to nurture and encourage

Endowing them with a higher power to always find the strength and courage

In rekindling their inner flame once lit so long ago by a glorious sacred candle

To stand strong and be willing and able

For I'm indomitable

An angel sent to bring hope to even you and all the others who may feel inconsolable

For I'm just a bringer of inner peace

For God is my strength and my ministry

One that speaks of everlasting mercy and promise

No matter how dark your worlds many changing political landscapes or forests

My favourite name of all is Archangel Gabriel

And if you find one of my billions of white feathers that I sometimes leave

Especially for those beautiful heartbroken souls

Whatever their pain and tragically emotional reasons in 2021

The mournful year of Covid 19 to grieve

To help find hope or whatever they need

To once again be encouraged to believe

As you live through your limited mortal life

Just pick one up and keep it real close in your coat or trouser pocket as a good luck locket

For it will help bring you peace and tranquillity

Throughout all those morose long cold winter or hot summer nights

When you need to rekindle
your old belief in a religious phenomenon

Whilst seeking to conquer or accept

Your physical or mental vulnerabilities

To help you carry on

No matter what seemingly hard endless times

You may appear to have fallen on

Copyright John Duffy

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