. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Tales From the Astral Realms

Monday, August 9, 2021

Tales From the Astral Realms

 With a wave, his fingers clad with rings of silver and gold

He too disappears as Estelle as she says she’s called 


Smiling serenely, she speaks

"I just speak of the loneliness of love, and the slow acceptance of facing the sadness, it sometimes brings.

Love is divine but sometimes so rebelliously unkind.

In a vision, I still just stand as your faithful servant.

A heart and spirit forever awaiting your presence.

A pulsating entity

Gracefully and consciously anticipating your call.

As I stand hidden in the long shadows.

By a lonely stream of fast-flowing emotions.

We in the Great In-Between just call.....

The River of Life's Lessons."

Copyright John Duffy 

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Madam Astor The Dream Enchanter