. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Voice of Pieta

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Voice of Pieta

The conversation between Giuseppe and his beloved Pieta.

Press play before reading. Salute.

What becomes of the brokenhearted before we all get summoned home

By the Great Golden Horn 

Some out there 

I still hear ask 

On this final odyssey after you're born

As you and me and the rest of the gathering masses slavishly roam

Will we feel the hot magical touch of the mythical Babylonian fire 

When we eventually retire

And collapse exhausted amongst the other lost fallen children

Before the White Temples of our beloved Goddess Aphrodite

On a sad Good Friday

Some in here whisper and say to me in the dancing darkness

As we drink golden liquor and talk about life and all its never-ending scandals

Over the flickering light of a single lit red burning candle 

And as the encroaching shadows silently dance a pagan jamboree


My beautiful Pieta always says when she's lucid and licked up

Every time we talk

Sometimes to lose love and all thoughts of hope of happiness

To then feel crucified and heartbroken 

And all alone 

Praying for a form of salvation in those quiet moments 

To be purged of its invisible mark

Wishing that relationship had never started 

And as you try to cut through all the red tape and spiritual empires of fake illusions

That you still sometimes foolishly cling on to and try to blindly believe 

The whole process can help to make you stronger and more resilient 

As you then look for that one soul mate 

Just lost amongst the many billions

And as those sad tears seem to fall so slowly and Father Time starts passing so quickly 

When they both

suddenly merge

It may feel deep down inside like it's your own biblical End of Days

Your lonely sequestered route to an emotional Armageddon

But if you have hope that your own Guardian Angels know where you're heading

As they are quietly guiding and leading you to that sacred place where you've always dreamed of

Away from all the hungry Eyes of Mother and Father Heartless 

To eventually find and have your own metaphorical white wedding 

Your own incredible special day 

Baptised and blessed with finding someone new and so special or simply enjoying your newfound happiness 

As you step back into the light out of the darkness 

It's only then that the clutches of

Heartbreak be discarded

As you just recognised it for what it really is

Simply one of lifes most powerful weapons

But I guess you already know that if you've walked the path of the Heartbroken


And spent so many of its shiny red tokens 

Sometimes crying long into the grey pools of stillness in deep silence 

Feeling like you're drowning at sea

Filled with so many swirling butterflies and nearly overcome with anxious feelings

Linked to emotional violence 

But then hopefully found someone or something new

To help you get through 

As Mother Love will always find a way

You know

For it has been said by countless saints and mystics for centuries 

She simply lives to help guide us away from a life of broken dreams

Wherever we go

For true spiritual liberation is sometimes impossible 

Without first feeling the sharp whip of hard separation 

Through a life-changing test of complete dissolution

Aren't you glad you found me, Giuseppe

And I always 

Always answer yes 

For my deep love for my Pieta 

Has helped purge me of my previous lifes sadness and regrets

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

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