. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A whisper in the dark

Sunday, January 16, 2022

A whisper in the dark

 A holy man speaks in Latin)

Cito est illud tempus quo nemo non potest amplius currere et abscondere

Nullae altae cuniculis aut altis muris te servabunt

Deus enim venit in lucem, quam semel dedit

Nocentius verum pudoris ambulationem cognoscet

Cum concentu detestabili clamores intentionum

Ubi quisque bene servatum nomen suum clamat

Nunc sanguine et dolore ablue

Iustitia et poena soli erunt clamoribus qui implent aerem

Animae vulneratae in ignominiam plangunt

Hoc multoties ante factum est

Et iterum hanc gloriosam ianuam tenebo

Omnes nocentes grave pretium solvet

Iis qui nummum aureum accipiunt in quacunque forma nova

Munus vel quidlibet aliud, quod alios mittunt ad immolandum

Corrupti acolythi aliquid tam vetus

Quod non potest esse nisi unum judicium, quod semper praedictum est

Omnes tristes animae, quae libenter AnitiChristo servire voluerunt

Sub gladio Christi merentur poni

Copyright John Duffy


That time is soon coming when no one can no longer run and hide

No deep tunnels or high walls will save you

For God is coming for a light he once gave you

The guilty shall know the true walk of shame

With a symphony of hateful cries of intent

Where everyone shouts out their once well-kept name 

Now awash with blood and pain

Justice and punishment will be the only screams that fill the air 

As their wounded souls lament in shame 

This has happened many times before

And once more I'll hold open this glorious door

All the guilty will pay a heavy price 

For those who take a golden coin in whatever new form

A bribe or anything else as they send others out to be sacrificed

Corrupted acolytes of something so old

That there can only be one judgement as it's always been foretold 

That all those sad souls who willingly chose to serve The AnitiChrist

Deserve to be put under the sharp sword of Christ

Copyright John Duffy

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