. Poetry from The Great In-Between: If Faith could speak in 2022

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

If Faith could speak in 2022

(A lone voice whispers)

If today in 2022

You feel so lost in the beginning, as you look for the real you

And endure so much physical or emotional pain

In just living

If today

Everyone seems to look down 

With unkind eyes

That seems so black

And filled with total darkness

That appears so unforgiving

If today

You swim against persecutions

Strong currents created by politicians and dictators

And been labelled as




Too old


An addict


Or just one of the many



Living below the rim 

In the ever-growing shadows

And deemed to be unworthy of any baptism of success

Because they label you as living within their interpretation of sin

Remember this

I too have felt your pain

Walked along those same dark long roads

I too have lived through and fought

All personal battles and wars

My advice to you 

Is simply this 

Keep up the belief

That it will be worth all those painful struggles

For in the end

Eventually, good things come to all those who truly believe

For in the end

You will find some form of happiness 

And when you eventually die

You will see your version of god and they will embrace and forever remind you

They have always walked beside you 


Trying to give you so much strength

For you 

Them and 


Have always been together 

For we were always forever baptised to be simply  

Eternal friends

Now say after me


And go forth and challenge life as your courage and hope are reborn again

Copyright John Duffy

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