. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Jerome speaks

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Jerome speaks


I will be sharing some voices, I sometimes hear, whispering in my deep dreams.

Am I a medium like my beloved mother?


Jerome speaks

When I lived

So long ago 

Depression followed me 

Like an old friend

From the wild

East End

Standing always close beside me 

Like a second skin

In the dark

When I tried to raise my lonely old spirit

It just whispered familiar old lies

To keep me on its rusty old swings

To stay

Forever lost 

Within its endless bare parks

When I smiled at the world

And dared to raise my head

Above its grey concreted parapets

It just said its old prayers

And filled me full

Of my favourite

Well-loved and cherished regrets

But now that I’m


I now know

A sacred secret

You must fight the darkness

It’s a shame

Death has took me

To finally know this

Find someone to love

Just dip your toes

Ankle deep into life and get thoroughly

Beautifully wet


Life is exquisite

Beyond its veils of self-perceived depressions

You just have to regain

Your faith and self-belief

And trust in the process 

For as they slowly rise

You will remember that unspoken truth

And gradually forget all those once worshipped lies

The one truth

whispered to you at birth

That you might have chosen to forget

I only have a lonely voice in here

But its message is simply this

Enjoy all aspects of your life

No matter hard

It gets

You were always born free

For you don’t want to take anything

Into this afterlife

And suffer for eternity

Endlessly spinning within its dark depths

Like me

Copyright John Duffy


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