. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Channelling Carol

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Channelling Carol

A sweet voice came through. 

(A lone voice whispers)

I know we've drifted like flotsam on the wild seas 

Been pulled apart like Christmas crackers while I was in hospital

Before New Year's Eve

Yet always reuniting despite the courage which wore me out fighting

I'll always remember the love you all sent and I gratefully received

All those sweet exchanges 

Conversations to encourage more  heartwarming vibrations 

But Life and its sharp knife decided to cut our cord 

When it guessed what we had found and knew

Like a cruel warlord and so we were forever separated from its blackboard

Just think of me my old loves as I reside in here

No longer burdened with pain and fear of cancer

As you still all move across its many boards

And with a request for a new addition to the Akasha records

Which I now know exists

I send this

Just know I'll never forget you

For you're all so special and I'll always try to visit 

As long as the skies fill with clouds

Or turn blue

Forever remembering our introduction within these lines

Which may herald our final farewell kiss

Of all those

I'll truly always miss

Copyright John Duffy 

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