. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Monologue of The Night Raven

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Monologue of The Night Raven

Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

Some people like to wear their hearts on their sleeves

And smile at the watching world

It's so much more courageous and revolutionary than anything

I could ever conceive 

For I used to like to keep mine undercover 

Like carefully hidden artillery guns

So it could recuperate and give it time

To try to let it breathe

To be freed from all the subtle and traumatic wars 

I once had to endure 

As I sought a means to quell all those tragic sensations and vivid recollections

Which must be cured

For I know now 

Deep down 

All those sad things needed to run their course 

As I sit in here

In the Grey Hall in The Great In-Between  

Tapping my feet like the approach of Tanaka

The Tall Man's mythical black horse

Listening to the bustling swirling wind as it blows over yonder 

As I ponder 

About all the why's and what for's

The memes and themes of all that depressing pain that eventually followed

Each time that I once delicately swallowed 

Delicious mouthfuls of memories tablets

Things will never be the same and I take my hat off

To all those who suffer getting it wet as they wear their hearts on their sleeves 

Like a rare electromagnet

It's just a crazy concept and one I can never believe or grow to accept

For inside now I'm without you

I'll just wander in solitude

Living on my own and some nights when I'm sat alone 

Sipping something dark and so fulfilling 

Thinking about the last time I saw your beautiful face and we rolled around playfully

Wrapped up together we thought forever 

Until illness came and called you home

And it's why even in these lower levels of The Astral Halls

I'll forever just grieve as your beloved name I still call

For I once played and sung heart filled symphonies

To all the watching angels

In the hot summer sun

Smiled and loved a strange woman who I never met but slowly got to know

As my life picked up pace and started to run

Roared when she died and cried when my higher self soared in anguish 

When God came and whispered on the 15th of June last year

In our bedroom of 54 years


Its time to leave

But we're being reunited and new horizons beckon

After I too crossed over

And good old Archangel Michael said she's regained her memories and she now wants to see me

New people and newer places

Faces filled with a new form of adulation 

So look after yourself and thanks for listening as I go to grant my beloved 

Her beautiful last wish

Happiness always finds a way even in death

Genevieve and The Night Raven

Soon to be together again

To walk hand in hand

To Eternity in this neverending falling rain 

Copyright John Duffy

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