. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Song of Solomon

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Song of Solomon

(A lone regal voice sings)

Press play before reading. Salute.

By the deep glow of your inner light

Which is always lit

Strengthened tenfold by the silver rays of Mother Moon

I pray your second sight shows you  

Hidden agendas and real intentions 

So soon

For you to see beyond their enchanting songs and sweetly sung hymns

Which they use to lead you

Knee deep into sin

So you can know what's right

For you're the genuine courage 

You've always looked for in the destructive dark 

The sovereign being 

You crave to be

Walking down Freedoms Pathways

For all to see

To a new form of happiness and self-liberation

And the one love 

You crave for in your hearts of heart

That maybe life has torn apart



And awaken

My friend 



And awaken 

My friend

And say yes to the gift of second sight

To rise

To rise high

To avoid those dark souls.

That through the darkness cry

Trying to influence your life with their seductive 

Trojan Horses 

Sweet songs and hybrid hymns

Trying to lead you 

Knee-deep into sin



And awaken

My friend 



And awaken 

My friend

And say yes 

To the gift of second sight

To rise

Rise high

To avoid those dark souls

Trying to influence your life 

With their seductive 

Trojan Horses 

Sweet songs and hybrid hymns

Trying to lead you 

Knee-deep into sin

To your end



And awaken

My friend 



My friend and rise

No longer to cry

While time flies


Copy and John Duffy 

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