. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The lady in white by the Rowan Tree

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The lady in white by the Rowan Tree

 Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

Are we just always reborn 

And made to look for love like lonely lost fools

Only to always lose it 

To try to find it again



Are we made to be heartbroken to seek someone new 

To take away the pain

Is that one of Life's many Mysteries Schools 

Unspoken rules



Are we born alone like lonely lost figurines 

To seek friends or new experiences to help us reach the end



And at our end 

Are we just human

Men and women just constantly reborn 

To atone for sins

Perhaps committed when we were first here

All those years long ago

Way back when

When Love was original and free 

And humankind could be anything it once prayed it could be



I once met someone 

Who noticed me



One day as I waded knee-deep into the Holy See

By the Rowan Tree

I met a lady in white called Annabel Lea

Her name is still a beloved red rosary full of happier times

And for a short time, we lived and loved getting up early in the low country

But like all things in my life

They are now just broken dreams and waiting for my time to end 

By the Great Mortal Rock

I now stand upon 

As St Peter 

The Keeper of Keys

Looks on



I sometimes wonder in the quietness of this darkness

Does she still remember me

My beloved Annabel Lea


Or the day we first met

Many years ago

In late November


When her dim yellow light

I once did see by the Rowan Tree

By the sea


In these moments

A painful thought still lingers

Will death make me forget her like the winters winds soon

As it blows so effortlessly in from the West 



Am I but a mere footprint in Times logbook of wet never-ending rhymes 

And is her love for me one of this life's subtle sins  

The toll keeper in the Great In-Between 


Will eventually find and call in

When in due course I'm reborn again 

To start a new campaign


To pay for all my previous crimes 

When I once left my true love as I died 

And left her tragically behind

By the Rowan Tree

In Holy Galilee

(C) Copyright John Duffy 2022

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