. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Monologue of JFK

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Monologue of JFK

Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

Take me in



As the common enemies of mankind

And their spiritual darkness

Swirl and dance before your



Listen to my voice above all

The voices of

Tyranny poverty

Disease and even war itself




My once beloved name

As you sit still

Listen and quietly breathe



In those old memories

Of long lost salad days before Sixty-Three

When I lived and dreamed of good health



Take me in


Once again


Like my own

Strategy of Peace



With your arms


Hold me real



As I repeat my New Frontiers


My new report to the watching people

In 2022

Like in '63

When I could still breathe


Even though

I now sleep


I am reborn sacred

And eternal


I am not one of the

Lonely dead

But still one of humanity's

Cherished pioneers



I no longer daydream

Or feel lost and wandering

All alone

Praying for a rendezvous with death


For I have been baptized

As an eternal Watchman

Amongst many


And I now sit so high

Illuminated and protected

By the Purple Flame


Which catches repugnant secrecies

Lies and dark shadows crawling up

The wailing walls of your world’s





A war has been declared

On the faceless

Monoliths many kingdoms


Like once before


When I was alive but soon to be

Welcomed in Arlington gates


Within crimson flames

I sometimes remember those


From 'Sixty-One


When I spoke too honestly

From the heart with wisdom

But to foolishly



Reborn now


I will rise forever

Now I am a Watchman

Of the Great In-Between


Here to help you

Face all the perils

Outcomes and repugnant devious means


Of all those new or old programs

And regimes


To help shape the choices

That you must now face

To try to help you all


My brothers and sisters

Of the human race



I pray you will find a way

To be free through a new



Not to be seduced by new


North or South

East or West


Governments or countries

Filled with secret societies, lies, and their clever misdirections 

In the news at night 


Don’t cry and feel the pain

Of what could have been


But let’s talk about every sphere of human activity and taking



In the face of a common danger


For there is a dark force all around you

All evasive

Beyond any dimension, you can ever see

Or grasp with jaded human eyes


A dark principality lives

Filled with wanton seductive depravity


But in recognizing it,

The future of humanity

Can be reborn


As a new renewed call for

Emancipation survives

And blows its golden horn


So a new Camelot

Can appear


Like the spot where I once stood 

In the center of America



So brave and bright

It once illuminated all in sight and was called

"Our Camelot"


There'll be great presidents again

More to carry the light

And share the power of

Free speech and freedom of thought




Don’t just cry

And feel the pain


For within presidential memories and

Treasured old speeches and


I am reborn again


When my time came

On that fateful day


I still believed in Faith and Hope

For those things can't be faked or taken away and

I always believed in The Lord


In those dark moments in office

He gave me the courage to make hard decisions

And the self-belief to cope


To put people before

Profit and losses


He is here with me now

And I'm always so well received


So take in my prayers

And these evocations

Of which I speak on your behalf


As I rest in peace

Underneath your watching eyes and the soulful


Wishes of all nations


I'm now a glorious



Living still

But without any




I'm finally 

At home with

Jackie and my beloved children



 John-John and dear Patrick

We all miss you, Caroline,

One day we will all be forever reunited with

My brothers and sisters

Father and mother


Just call to my spirit

With my earthly name

Like Marilyn or Lem

Sometimes still do


In the middle of this eternal night


Even though I don’t visit


I can still hear them if I really listen

In the dark far away from here


And I'll try to appear

To help revoke

Your fearful

Reservations and tears


No matter how far apart

We are

Or how near


For like a Greek hero

I was reborn into an eternal

Spiritual Civil War


But I'm still one of your

True friends from yesteryear


Still here 

Trying to help you

Find long lost answers

You might be looking for


On that fateful day

In Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 pm


November 22nd, 1963


When I heard the Lord call me home

For the last time

As the sounds of gunfire


Echoed all around me

In a nanosecond


I closed my eyes and prayed

For redemption and forgiveness



Listen to my last words before I go home

To a new Beals Street

In a new Boston.......


We are all born with a pure soul

Overflowing with real courage

And you must realize you are all worldwide agents

For the Lord


Whatever you choose to call him



Bright Lights fighting against the Dark


A truly united nation of Immigrants

Fighting for salvation for the World


For problems are not all solved

By silver bullets fired by a shiny black gun

And not all battles are easily won

Within any physical or political park


Today you all stand on the edge of a new horizon

A new challenge of such magnitude

And in the belief of justice and righteousness 

You must act


For you all live on this beautiful green island


Ask not, what you can do for yourself, alone

Ask what you can do for your society, your world


To help keep the bright lights of hope

And freedom shining


There needs to be a greater push for

Universal kindness

So no one has to suffer


With depression or loneliness

In isolation or silence


All this will not be over in the first one hundred

Dog-eared days filled with improprieties


But I can only pray

You will all come together to understand and

To stand as one


Never to surrender


To Fight The Good Fight

For the monolith and its many secret societies are huge


I was assassinated for a reason


A reason that did not die with me

But still lives on

Mutually on the sides of 

Darkness and Light


Let these words be the start of a new Spring

A new season to embrace your life

To start believing


And finding a means

To bring to all the citizens of the world

That most beautiful of five letters




By asking them all

To sacrifice their greed

The seductive drive to compete

And craving things they do not need



Peace can grow and bloom

Like a red rose

Clawing its way through the concrete


To heal and defeat fascism and racism

Hidden within any of society's

Darkly lit rooms


My old name was

John Fitzgerald Kennedy


But you can all call me Jack


All my closest friends do

I'm just an old soul returning back to the world

To speak with you for a moment

With a twinkle in his greenish-gray eyes


A man who once loved life


Until that fateful day in

Dallas Texas

When his world stopped


And his rendezvous with death

Was standing

Like a jackal


Waiting behind fences for the Umbrella Man

On the grassy knoll


In Dealey Plaza

Hiding in plain sight

Behind its evil disguise



November 1963

When God came calling

To collect me as my soul was suddenly set free

To take me away from all that pain

And some of you wept



I prayed to the Lord

In that falling rain

To return


So here I am

To see with my own eyes


If humanity will still try to choose

Freedom under newer skies

As those old chains of corruption and

Hidden slavery and human trafficking burns

As it finally sees and learns

Copyright John Duffy 2020

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