. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Voice of Dalon

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Voice of Dalon

Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

Hey you

I know you're there

Silently watching and reading 

Did you know that the Broken Ones 

Those courageous souls whose numbers are so copious

Living amongst you anonymously

Those filled with unfathomable trauma or seemingly endless pain 

But endured intrepidly by simply surviving with tenacity  

Those who choose to hide it so well 

Through cleverly contrived acts of smiling and joking

So that it's never so obvious

From coarse strands of childhood heartbreak

Ranging from physiological and mental struggles to a lack of love or loneliness 

To wading knee-deep through blue rivers and oceans of grief and so many other raw emotions

Even though they can't sleep or even find relief

Due to all the internal mental explosions

Those beautiful scarred souls 

Who strive to celebrate their hard lives in any way they can 

By truly trying to find a means of self-expression

Living righteously and always trying to give more

Those heroic figures we in here call the Maltese Decrees

For as we watch

It seems those gloriously brave tainted spirits are always unconsciously

Pulled and attracted to other broken ones 

Always looking for kindred souls to uncover their hidden gates 

And to open them up to a new world of bright lights and life-changing experiences 

Using sacred love and compassion 

Empathy and understanding 

As some of their many holy keys of introspection 

We all in here know those sacred keys simply represent invisible God-given tokens 

Some of the Almighty's top degrees 

In the university of life for the broken 

But they don't

And it's so extraordinary to watch as they find new allies with such devotion 

Two strangers finally coming together after getting in touch

Knowing their old worn emotional gates

Must be willingly reopened and walked through 

So others can be let in for happiness to be harboured and clutched

As it creates a new safe haven where a three worded vow 

Could possibly be exchanged and spoken which they may need so much

To help purge new or old demons

Which must be conquered through acts of self erosion 

For by sharing an experience with that free thing called hope

With a new lover or friend

Your soul's chances of salvation or redemption

Could be enriched before you perish at your very end

Since through those acts of profound kindness 

By finding the courage to welcome someone into your inner sanctum and in turn 

Illuminating all your late-night prayers

You'll never need to kneel to pray

But instead eventually rise above all the labyrinths overrunning with sin

As they slowly appear each day 

For that's why the Broken

Just love the Broken

For behind all those silent lines 

Never spoken in any particular way

Lines hiding so carefully behind so many well-worn masks

Those that seem to know and be drawn to each other in the bustling crowds

Of life

Like moths to a flickering flame

Wherever they are

Maybe are always tasked to wander before Sister Love eventually appears

To hear the same tragic love poem of the Broken 

Before finding a true soulmate

Whilst living life and trying to walk towards Mother Fate and all she brings

Whilst their lifes bells still rings 

Getting forever wet but always stronger

In all its invisible rain called Emotional Pain

As they wait for a new light to shine 

As they play lifes many eternal games with no names

Designed by Good Old Father Time

Copyright John Duffy

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