. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Mario's Tale

Friday, July 22, 2022

Mario's Tale


Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

When I sometimes sit quietly still in here

By the window in our once favourite cafe in the old country

By the old Wishing Pond

I always remember

How I once said all those poignant lines as we talked and walked together  


In the plummeting snow and rain  


In such terrible weather on that extraordinary day  


In that unusually brutal winter season  


Way back in late November  


Thirteen years ago in two thousand and eight  


When I whispered that if anything takes place in this lifetime  


Between you and I and we tragically lose our way  


While we're still both alive and co-joined at the hips  


If the Tall Man should arrive unexpectedly and try to take one of us home  


Suddenly without any regal announcements or real reasons  


Let's pledge a sacred oath to each other with the utmost rage  


That we'll wait wherever we are  


Forever empowered by a god-given hope  


To keep believing that the other will catch up in the Light  


No matter how long it takes  


Or even if they have to travel so far with no hope in sight  


To beyond even all the known watching stars

In an endless night  

Filled with the steadfast courage  


That no matter how many strange doors  


They might have to knock on to demand to be opened  


Or to put their gilded keys in  


They'll try to find a way we can embrace and hold hands again

So our love can once more bloom and flourish  

For ours is something so unique and special  


A once-in-a-billion lifetimes of being constantly reborn  


Whatever the circumstance  


To eventually realise that the true meaning of life  


A life-changing revelation beyond the norm  


Lies in the soft arms of something so unique  


Many wise prophets still call it by its favourite ancient and well-spoken name

Once known as Ki-Ag2  


Even today  

Known as simply true romance  


I once swore

I'd never leave your side and you swore even upon your death  


You'd never leave mine  


And as we spoke to the watching universe and dreamed as we walked and talked  


About how someday in the near future  


We'd sit outside on our own marble porch  


And in the fall of the Twilight  


Smile as we counted our lifelong blessings  


Before we'd eventually retire for an early night  


In our own paid-for house filled with so much love and our two beloved grown-up children

Lucy and Peter

But like most of the preordained lovers in history  


Our dreams ended up so differently  


You went first  

Only last year though  


So I'll always be searching for you if only you'll wait for me  


For we'll both instinctively know which of all those sacred doors before us

In Paradiso  

To seek out and open up  



For our true love has been forever shaped into golden keys to always let us in

So our once mortal true love  

Can in new rivers  


To sit in a fresh cafe and sing songs filled with our old melody

So I'm no longer filled with jealously that the Tall Man has you  


And all I've got to cling onto are these painful sad memories  




Copyright John Duffy

Image from Pinterest.  

Shared under fair usage policy.

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