. Poetry from The Great In-Between: For my Eleanor. My Sun Star.

Friday, September 16, 2022

For my Eleanor. My Sun Star.


I'll  find you one day  

As long as I live

Someone to love me  

As I love you

With all  

I can give

I've searched the high misty mountains and lowland streams

And everything else  

That lies in-between

And I'll keep looking until the end of time

Looking for someone special

Like you  

To hold my hand  

Someone to dance with  

In tune with some of God's bands  



Some way  

Late in the low hour

I'm going to appear like an unstoppable power  

For to hold you in my arms

Would be to hold the most treasured prize  

Most mundane men could only dream of

Until they are cold ghosts  

So I'll keep searching coast to coast  

As I leave this note for you  

My precious angel

In case you're searching for me too


At the end of the known world's last outpost

As I move on  

To the mythical  

Black Tower

And open up its eternal gateposts

Praying it's there you'll be waiting

Standing smiling  

With open arms at the entrance

To a happier place  

Filled with no mistakes

But if not  

It's me you'll see when you find this

Standing smiling  

When you too

Walk through those mystical black gateposts

Where I'll be waiting for you




Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

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