. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Need inspiring?

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Need inspiring?

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A lone voice whispers

If you've ever waded through rolling rivers of madness

Caused by profound soul-cutting sadness

Like grief  

Lost love

Or all the other tendrils of pain  

To find the real you

And silently cried so many countless tears in the Grey Stillness

Did you know Angels have left their silvery fortresses to stand and pray for you in a shimmering golden circle

Under the Great Olde Oak Tree

To witness your rise to self-empowerment as you find out

What your substantial role in the Cosmic Order is

From making bonds of new fidelity

Through creating kindness  

Embracing new love

Or new life long friendships through your empathy

To give birth to compassion

In your own form of your life

Which resonates with your blessed vibration and aura

Which whispers of your own divine spiritual poetry



Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

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