. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Are you a loyal friend?

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Are you a loyal friend?


(A lone voice whispers)  

Just be like a silent hushed lullaby

Against the encroaching shadows of night

Just be like the glorious early morning sunshine

On a new day

Always trying to erode the darkness within others

Just be Faith and Hope entwined as one

Just be a new strength to lift up a weary heart

Just be the one

Who helps to break the prison of an icy soul

Just be a form of peace and tranquillity

For those that need you – to help begin again

Just be like the life-giving rays

Of those early morning lights

A silent voice of rebirth

Growth and empathy

Just be a trusting sentinel  

A guardian

Against the darkness of anxiety or depression

Constantly calling their name

Just be a silent hushed  

But a so well-loved lullaby

An unbending shield  

To be relied upon

To help push back

All those painful shadows of once lonely dark nights

Just try to be a loyal friend

In which they can trust

Before their love for you

Turns to dust


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

Playing with words on a rather glorious Sunday.

Friendship plays such a pivotal part of our interactions with others.

Especially, in those darker moments in life.

Strangers can suddenly become like family.

Some can come and some may go, but all those memories.

Good or bad, still choose to remain.

I suppose at the very core of the human existence, we need to be acknowledged at some deeper level.

I'm a friend to many and a willing friend to those in need.

Isn't that why we were all born?

To help others?

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