. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Do you want some gold?

Friday, November 25, 2022

Do you want some gold?


Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice sings the Blues)


No gold 

In wishing 

Your life away

Sang the old man 

By the river 

Ain't no gold

If you're gonna play by rules 

Created by fools

Ain't no gold 


If you love saying 


Ain't no gold 

And no hope 

To cope 

If you won't swim upriver 

No point in dancing 

If you won't go 


So what you gonna choose 

If you want gold 

And you've got nothing 

To lose

Are you so stuck in your ways 

That you never need to 


Have you good intentions 

And dreams too big 

To mention

But right now 

Confession of the soul  

Follows you 

Everywhere you go 

Like stunning rainbow

But even though 

It probably won't show 

That rainbow could lead you 

To all the gold you'll ever need 


Not that yellow stuff  

Linked to greed 

And eternal madness 

So there 


No gold 

In wishing 

Your life away

Sang the old man 

By the river 

Ain't no gold

If you're gonna play by rules 

Created by fools

There ain't no gold 


If you love saying 


Ain't no gold 

And no hope 

To cope 

If you won't swim upriver 

So there no point in dancing 

If you won't go 

A chancing 

So what you gonna choose 

If you want gold 

And you've got nothing 

To lose

Are you so stuck in your ways 

That you never need to 


Have you good intentions 

And dreams too big 

To mention

But right now 

Confession of the soul  

Follows you 

Everywhere you go 

Like stunning rainbow

But even though 

It probably won't show 

That rainbow could lead you 

To all the gold you'll ever need 


Not that yellow stuff  

Linked to greed 

And eternal madness


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

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