. Poetry from The Great In-Between: From Gaslighting to Freedom

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

From Gaslighting to Freedom


(A lone voice sings) 

Did you believe

I was going to really truly 


Just one of life's seemingly 

Many lost souls

Always on patrol 

Full of indecisions and strange decisions

But when constantly pushed

Full of new wisdom and newer transitions

Oh how I bet you wished 

You hadn't pushed all those buttons

Told me strange stories and convincing lies

Said it's your imagination 

You're seeing things that aren't there

To help me make those 

Seemingly unconquerable revisions

To finally find the real strength 

To see through the mists

Maybe now that I'm free 

I can grow and bloom


For those old chains are now truly broken 

Lying in our old bedroom

And I'm no longer living in your own Medieval Inquisition 

I'm now free from your Gaslighting

No longer unhappy or constantly fighting

No longer delusional

But walking with happiness and peace


My future's bright 

For I've seen the light

You're now never welcome

For with this song

I finally cast you out

Now go

Walk out of this room

Take all your suitcases

And gaslighting

And watch this red rose



Copyright John Duffy

Image shared via Pinterest under fair usage policy.

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