. Poetry from The Great In-Between: If Evil had a name. Would one be...Politician?

Saturday, November 12, 2022

If Evil had a name. Would one be...Politician?


(A lone voice whispers)

If we


The bringers of absolute corruption had a name

Our human name 

Would be that 

Of nearly all politicians


For we

The Collective 

Are like the long-lost twins 

Of the legendary painting 

Of Dorian Gray

Greedy inhabitants of secret societies 

Just hidden in plain sight

Which lies in the middle of any town or city

Even those listed

So faraway 

And after the stroke of midnight

When you 

And all the world 


With no sense of decency or a drop of pity

Me and my ilk  

Peel back 

The black silt 

And write new corrupted laws

To push-up taxes and write cruel inhuman legislation 

That we then invoke 

With ceremonial magic

To creep in

To then drink victorious in paid-for bars

Roaring in jest

Like hungry sea devils

From the sopping wet shores 

Of your nightly dreams

As your soul  

In daylight 

Watches the news 

In blinded servitude 

And like unchained slaves 

You all unconsciously weep 


About all our so obvious 


For while you all 

Unknowingly sleep

Every week

Every minute

We smile 


And continue 

To make 

Dystopian plans

To control and contain you

From your taxpayers keeps 


Copyright John Duffy



Derived from the Ancient Greek πολύς polús

Meaning many, much.



Ticks are external parasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians.

Images shared under fair usage policy.

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Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?