. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A Christmas Poem

Saturday, December 17, 2022

A Christmas Poem

In the silence of staring

At a beautiful red luxurious Christmas card 

Laying on their once well-loved king-size bed 

Then looking coldly ahead 
As she paused and slowly remembered

A true love
Who was once so caring 

But is now hidden amongst the many sleeping dead 

With inscribed headboards made out of marble and stone 

In the cemetery 

Laying forever with a bouquet of white Lillies 

For company 

On his own 
All alone

And as she stared longingly out of that open window 


Where do the dead possibly go

And to what Kingdom

A sudden gust of wind from her backyard
Blew a white feather 

Onto that card 

Catching her off guard
And reminding her 

The world and all its joys which were once theirs 

Which now feels so bitterly hard and unfair

Those incredible smiling ones
Tied together with a golden bow of fun 

Before came that card on their bed

All the way from Barcelona in Spain 

The one sent 
With the rising of the sun

But now filled with pain 
Before he flew 

In it said 
Written in gold and blue 

Happy Christmas
To you

My beautiful boo
And see you soon

Get that tree up so snow and happiness can reign

But he never arrived 
He never came 

He died in a car crash at sunrise 

But worry not 
This is just a piece of fiction 

Just a poetic reminder 
That you never know your earthly time 

So take this as an open invitation 

Filled with a supernatural conviction 

Try to be happy before fatality breaks you up 

For the world’s not as pretty as it seems 

This Christmas

Celebrate it 
As if it's your last 

If you can

Try not to be like one of the lonely people

Baptized forever to sit staring 

By the cruel Gods of the Despairing

No more caring 
But bearing a heavy load

Perhaps like Scrooge 

Painfully pondering 
And always wondering 

How long
Will the pain they feel 

Linger and last 
As they live 


Like one of lifes
Lonely outcasts

Copyright John Duffy

Image courtesy of Pinterest.

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