. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Christmas Prayer

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Christmas Prayer


There's an incredible woman I once knew 

Who suddenly appeared
One Sunday afternoon 

Right out of its
Ether and Blue 

We lived and walked on kind or mean streets 

Made of fire and ice
In all known weathers 

It was like rare miracle
A true unique paradise 

Before our happiness
Paid the fatal price 

For like all good things 

We came under attack
And The Principalities 

Destroyed it with their dark knife 


And frustrated 

We fell like lightning from our heaven 

Never again
To be together 

But then a low whisper Came to me

Skipping and dancing
Like Heidi 

Throughout all the inner corridors 

Of my mind 

In a dream
With no name 

It whispered

Say these words 

When day breaks or when the night falls 

To cleanse your soul of anything dark 

That calls 

Lord God, my Protector and

I pray for Your protection and salvation 

As my days and nights left
In numbers 


For you are my shield
My place 

My refuge and under Your wings 

I pray for peace against all those things 

The Principalities use 

So I can look past that darkness 

And remember the love
I still have for my muse 

And then it faded
Like a setting sun 

I wrote down that prayer
For it lingered so 

Begging to be captured
In case others needed to hear 

Or know it's rapture 

Its powerful song
To help right old wrongs 

For I see her now
Standing so strong 

In visions 

Like Deborah in The Old Testament

Heaven sent 

As I thank the Lord
Day and night in prayer 

For the strength

In making his Presence

To then revisit memories
That never left 

Those beautiful ones
I still treasure 

The ones we
Created and
Forever meant 

Copyright John Duffy 

Image courtesy of Pinterest.

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