. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A sad moment in history

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A sad moment in history

(A lone voice whispers)

The huge excess deaths worldwide blows my mind.

Friends suddenly dying from quickly spreading cancers.

All the time.

Agenda's promoted by money-hungry political or well-paid chancers.

But soon they'll smile no more in glee 

But cower in fear

For truth and light will appear 

To dispel their darkness 
In the stillness

For their daily hypnotic broadcasts 

Can't last

The public are slowly getting in the know 

And as their numbers daily grow 

So the marches 
Will be all over social media 

And ignorance will be the baneful overcoat 

Of a hypnotized few 

Are you in the know yet?

Or would you rather get on with your life 

And casually forget 

The tragic deaths of millions 

As just more fabricated successions 

Of anarchic 

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

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