. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Kenja's Monologue

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Kenja's Monologue


Press play before reading.


(A lone voice whispers)

I may be wrong 

You may think you're an exception 

For you're so strong 


Nothing lasts forever 

For the world 

You once knew 

Will someday burn 

Like Notre-Dame Cathedral

Signaling your life's own insurrection 

For even loyal hands like yours 

Will become weak 

Trying to master the ebbs and flows 

In keeping the grand balance of turning 

Your Great Wheel 

And living

Each and every week 

With all you know

For each person has a Sacred Wheel  

Their spirit slowly turns 

Some slow 

Some fast 

Some may stop and start

Some may last 

But the Sacred Wheel must nevertheless turn 

For the White Candle of Order  

Love and Light

To burn

Or chaos death and endless night 

Will return to corrupt

From the lips

Of The Omnious Devils Urn


Nothing physical lasts forever




Even Friendships 

For all things have a sell-by date 

When your soul leaves this life 

And opens a new gate

But poetic 

Memories and emotions

Will always remain

Since the bright stars will one day fade away


And a familiar hand will wave and welcome you 


Into a new strange land 

But until then 

Know this as our parting kiss 

Nothing lasts forever 

This I've learned

So I wish the turner of your Sacred Wheel  

The Higher You

Blessings of the heart and soul 

To continue

And to always remember 


No matter how bright or bleak it seems 

Make it your goal

Each and every week 

To give that sacred wheel 

Another turn 

No matter how small 

So the White candle of Order  

Love and Light 


And make poetic 

Memories and emotions 

In a cruel world  

With all its twists and turns

The only things to try to earn 

Before you too 

Like me 

To here 


With Charon 

Deaths version 

Of Lord Byron

We all call

The Ferryman of Hades 

The deliverer to this hell hole 

Where all memories of an old life fades


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

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