. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Dreams of Escape

Monday, March 27, 2023

Dreams of Escape

(A lone voice whispers)

Is it nearly midnight

Wherever you are 

As society falls into geopolitical pieces

And are those invisible ideas 

Falling like wet Autumn leaves 

As you dream about a new terrifying 

Babylonian future

While searching for a panacea

In the middle of all this crazy world's 


Is it supernaturally quiet 

As you look online

And do streets beneath your darkened windows

Run riot and dance 

With feverish violence 

Like in France 

As all sinister-looking shadows 

As big as Goliath 

Stand naked and bare 

Whispering about the Coming of a preplanned Dark Utopia 

And does the sweet scent of a new escape 

From their planned oblivion 

Twenty Minute Cities 

Where people will worship a new God 

They term Melancholia

Linger and follow you 

Like a loyal shadow 

Everywhere you go

Warning in slight gestures and manifestations 

To look out for a newly conjured smiling Hell 

Summoned by old pagan distorted Politikia 

Whispering dark spells 

On Podiums 

For the Dum Dums

About a seemingly welcoming warm universe  

To live within 

But one that will receive you into its kingdom 

In a black hearse

To blend within its long sensuous green grass 

To hide entwined in its long shadows forever 

In straight authoritarian 


As recent citizens of its false heaven 

Where forgiveness is ever never offered or given 

Do you read to dream of escape 

Or are you just happy to stand in straight lines 

Blinded by social media

To be herded 

Like cattle 

Through Authoritarian 

Red and Black Gates 


Copyright John Duffy

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