. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Hellen Love

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Hellen Love

When I lived

I was the son of Deucalion 



King of Phthia 

The blood of my grandfather 

Prometheus once ran like molten lava  

In my now still veins

And in this new stillness 

Filled with thunder 

I sometimes wonder

Am I now the new son of the biblical 

Condemned Cain 

Like so many others 

Abandoned by and tainted by life's tempestuous mothers 


In The Great In-Between


And if I had listened to  

Genesis 4 

Verse 7

Would I now be in Heaven 


If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? 

But if you do not do what is right, 

Sin is crouching at your door; 

it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. 


Sin took my pride

Opened my door real wide and 

Traded my inheritance  

For hysteria 

More fear

Pills and all other things 

Once found on Pablo Escobar's window sills


Each night 

Underneath and in reach of all Pangorian Delights 

I close my eyes to see your plight

Which always still shines so bright 

Like one of those rare Sabbatical lights

I hold my breath  

In this white noise and haste 

As I watch the world around you fall and

Go to waste

But I always open my ears to feel or hear your siren call

Dive below the confusion and delusions of my cognizance 

Before Father Darkness  

Makes his sudden entrance 

To find that old spark of the sacred Prometheus torch 

Wherever it slumbers 

So lightning bolts can flood through my cells 

In huge numbers

As my soul yells 

My grandfathers name 



High in the lost canyon 

Where he will surely hear me  

Even though chained to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains 

Enduring eternal pain 

And I will explode into a new version of our cherished Prometheus flame

And from that climbing smoke 

Past sins will fall away like grey ash 

As they choke

Watching me smash old false idols  

Once worshiped  

In guilded mirrors 


When the shadows start 


I'll be able to cross the Red River

Full of drowning sinners 

Headed slowly  

To the Nine Circles of Hell 

In terror 


The Great Hereafter

As I look to free my old hero 

From that hard rock 

In the Caucasus Mountains 

High in the canyon 

My grandfather 


And go find her 


My life's one and only 

True companion


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

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