. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Have you ever really looked at your life?

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Have you ever really looked at your life?


Do you ever pause and

Look back within

Memories deep raindrops 

Of how your life's been run

Remembered all the happier times 

And indulged the melancholy moments

As you sat quietly under life's giving rays

Of the first day of Winters or Summers

Hot early morning sun

Do you still remember 

Walking with the ones

You once dearly loved

Or kissing inexperienced 

In the low shadows

Hidden in the dark

Playing with childhood friends 

On swings and slides

 Down at the local parks

Do you still remember old faces 

Now perhaps with Noah and his family

Sailing through Heaven's blue seas

In a newly built Ark

Or do you just choose to sit 

Sad lonely and empty

All alone

With no cherished memories of your own gospels

Like the one once written

According to someone named Mark

Life is for living

To the peak of your endeavors

Don't let your dreams die

But inspire hope to help 

Others conquer all weathers

Don't give your soul 

A new season to cry 

But share kindness and compassion with all those 

You see through

Non Judgemental eyes


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy. 

Copyright John Duffy 

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