. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Watcher

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Watcher

Like a lone Merovingian king

Stood out in the purifying freezing cold


Watching old Luna


Slowly creeping in

From the Middle East


Wine-rich and sinfully tempestuous

Feels the icy grip of Freyr

The Aesir

Against the backdrop of the star seed night sky

Watching the Ominous Night Garden 



Open up its lit-up Black Emerald Gates 

To let the Fallen Elementals play

Welcoming The Pit Hordes

To cross way

Over the Threshold 

From Babylon of Old

To their new homes

As once foretold

Into the soft and weak hearts of faithless men

And tarnished women of the night 

Where they will sit and gleam

Like rare blood diamonds  

Smiling in the stalking shadows

Of The Great In-Between

As they invade and conquer

The sweet sacred virgin landscapes

Of their hosts 

Hopes and dreams


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

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