. Poetry from The Great In-Between: May 2023

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A Sacred Voice Whispers


If today

You feel so lost

And endure so much pain

In just living

If today

Everyone looks down on you

With unkind eyes

That seems so black

And filled with total darkness

That appears so unforgiving

If today

You swim against persecution

Strong currents created by politicians

And dictators

And been labeled as




Too old


An addict


Or just one of the many



Living below the rim 

In the shadows

And deemed to be unworthy of any Baptism of success

Because they label you as living within sin

Remember this

I too have felt your pain

Walked along those same dark long roads

I too have lived through and fought

All personal battles and wars

Until I got too bold with all I preached and knew 

Until I too was crucified 

Look up my life's story

It's still so well told

My advice to you 

Is simply this 

Keep up the belief

That it will be worth all those painful struggles

For in the end

Eventually, good things come to all those who truly believe

For in the end

You will find some form of happiness 

And when you eventually die

You will see God and he will embrace and forever remind you

He has always walked beside you 


Trying to give you so much strength

For you 

Him and 


Have always been together 

For we were always forever baptized to be simply  

Eternal friends

Now say after me


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

The Blues Busker Sings

Press play before reading.  Salute.

Some day 

I can only pray

You'll see  

The light we shared 

Was meant to be 

For within me too

As time shadows fall

I know within you 

I’ll stay too

Until I 

Hear the call

To walk beside you

Before the Fall

Hold your hand 

To fight the cold

To keep

That spell


Wherever we dwell

As lone souls


Some day 

I can only pray

You'll see  

The light we shared 

Was meant to be 

To set us free

Some day

To set us free

Wherever we dwell

As lone souls yell

For within me too

As time shadows fall

I know within you 

I’ll stay too

Until I 

Hear the call

To walk beside you

Before the Fall

Hold your hand 

To fight the cold

To keep

That spell


Wherever we dwell

As lone souls


To keep that spell 


Wherever we dwell

As lone souls yell

Some day 

I can only pray

You'll see  

The light we shared 

Was meant to be 

To keep

That spell


Wherever we dwell

As lone souls


To keep that spell 


To set us free

To set us free

Wherever we dwell

As lone souls yell

I can only pray

Some day

I can only pray

You'll see 

The light we shared 

Was meant to be

To set us free

For someday

All I can do is pray


Copyright John Duffy

Disclosure - Finding Sophrosyne in The Off-Limit Zone

(A lone voice whispers.)

Like wild Autumn rivers

Flowing down Williams Hill

In a midday storm 

Here in Illinois

We once ran carefree

Over mountains

And all we could see

But before we could reach the deep ocean

Of binding emotions

The Dark Well of all Creation called you home

When something crept in and destroyed our devotion

Love I now know

Is such a fickle thing 

A spiritual joy

Held in two golden wedding rings

The Devil just loves to destroy and rejoice

Like a cheap altar boy

To separate love 

Like it did

When destroying

Paris and Helen of Troy

But now that I have found sophrosyne

I no longer wallow in suffering but now let hope in

I miss you, my love

Like the Sun must miss the Moon

For you were taken too soon 

Before our love could open to bloom

Cut short by something cruel 

In that hospital room

But I know we'll meet again

For The Lady of Providence read my cards

And said 

I'll soon be back in your tender arms

So until then 

Goodnight my love

Until tomorrow 

For our true love

Transcends all sorrow


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Sophrosyne is an ancient Greek concept of an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, purity, decorum, and self-control.

(Source: Google.)

The Preachers Voice

(A lone voice whispers.)

The Secret Council 

From The Nine Choirs of Angels 

Sit on the Sacred Astral Seats

Of The Holy Hyperdimensional Inquisition

Angels from Everywhere

Even from The Lands of Kem

Gathered by The Most High 

To guide all women and men

To try to live for a higher glory

For in the end

That's all they'll be

Just another brief story

In an endless sea

Of Earth's sometimes painful history

Now will you

Listen to me

For when we embrace God's grace

Tune our thoughts

To Gods thoughts

Abandon living 

Hypnotized by societies

Crazy race

Where we feel coercion to live willfully in sin

And selfishly 

Consume all with casual whim

But to strive to reach the light

Live day and night

In kindness

To earn the good life 

The Lord wants for your

Transform how you act

For by being given the gift of life

You're under a social contract

Now go and be blessed to 

Live well

Don't just be another

Accessory after the fact 


Copyright John Duffy

Images shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Saul's Monologue


(A lone voice whispers.)

As divine gifts from so high above 


Love first and foremost 





Fearless, and Prayer

The Seven Keys to Entering the Great Kingdom

As from below 

Look to the stars 

For hope and freedom

Wherever you go

For within each breath 

You take 

Each step you make




As you slowly enter 

Lord Leviticus Invisible


And like a white feather 

From Fates Golden Bow 

Share your love  

With all you know 

But let not your love be weak but firm 

As your soul slowly learns

Let it be bold

To flourish

As you grow old 

For three times 

Twenty and ten 

Will go so fast 

In the blink of an eye

So leave some love 


Before you die

So memories of you can last 

To be embraced 

When remembered and  told

For Father Time will soon come 



On his ship 

Of Grey Skulls 

Like a thief in the night 

With Death 

Riding high 


From the Bridge 

From here 

In The Great In-Between 

To gather souls 

For the Endless Cull

From every mountain ridge 

So don't be one of 

The lonely who lacked 

The Courage

To embrace 

Just something

Just something

Be it big or small 

To help their soul sing

Even though life

Sometimes seems to sting


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Call to Uriel


 (A lone voice whispers)


Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael 

Angels more perfect than the setting sun 

Hear my immortal song 

And teach all children 

From all Gods 

Of every nation

The virtues of 

Right from wrong

Yoruba and


Nar of the Sea 

And all that 

Which sleeps 

Deep down below 

Tell them what they

Need to know 

And show them 

The way to go

Father of All Things 

Unseen or undreamed of 

Show them eternal mercy 

With your blessings of love 


Something they'll cherish 


And never wish to dispose of

I call to

Archangel Uriel 


Of The Elysium Fields 

Protect us all 

Before the midnight sky


With nuclear war

With your heavenly shield 

As new dangers are revealed



Copyright John Duffy 

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The Apostle of Sin. Seeking freedom.

  (A lone voice whispers)

Watching the old world through my rust 

Encrusted Scrying 


My blood 

If I had any 

Would be green with envy 

For when I see couples happy 

A Baptism of Souls meeting

The lividity in me burns 

So slow 

Like an inquisitor's cruel act of Abacination 

Surrounding me within a lone cloud

From the Darkness of Hell itself 

And with a long night of

Squeals of demonic delights 


A legion of guttural voices singing out like Beniamino Gigli

Under meager skies 

Chanting dark spells 

I now know this place 

I'm in 

Resembles Hell 

A heavy breathing consciousness 

Where the heartbroken live within 

Especially us 

Baptized to greave 

Through acts of Self-immolation 

Caused by the dark temptations of sin


in which there is no love 


But only green envy

The price I now pay in Purgatory 

Now I've gained entry

As my eyes remain open 

With my soul praying to break free 

Now just cursed 

To just pray 

With frenzy

She doesn't forget me 

But remember 

No one alive is pure 

For we are all born 

To be corrupted by love 

For no one is one hundred percent 

An Innocenti 

For even you 

Beyond the sacred shores 

Of The Ferryman of Hades 


You'll sin too

It's not an accusation but a confession 

And it's why I speak 

Hoping to gain resurrection


Copyright John Duffy 

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Sister Mary Whispers

Will you open up the brass gates 

In your soul

To the experiential awareness of Being 

Through prayer

To explore a Sumerian Vision of Eden Revisited 

To absorb the eleven tasks 

For a Post-Covid shattered world to survive 

The Long Shadows of Black Rock 

The purveyor's doomsayers 

To condemn mRNA Vaccines Transhumanism 

In the Battle for Your Soul

With silent weapons 

Created underground 

For the Secret War on You 

The Event Horizon 


Where seas open up

For the skies 

To cry 

Will you pray with me

O Mighty Defender 

Bathe us in the blue waters of salvation at all times 

Keep our souls holy 

And guide our daily thoughts  

Toward you 

So that we may be shielded 

From the dark clutches of the enemy 

(Now say after me)



Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Avalon Dreams


I've now ridden on the back

Of the mystical White Stag 

Over the steep crest

The final green hill
Of Avalon 

To a new country
Down that old road

Although the Moon 
Riding high in the night sky

Surveying the stillness 

To now thinking
I'm where I belong 

And you're there
Just somewhere

Lost to me 

Fear not
For in another lifetime
Soon to come 

We'll drink some more red wine from the Sacred Jue 

And swim in Father Times

Neverending sea 

Where there are no farewells

And no goodbyes

For nothing is taboo 

For the power of our circle
Never lies 

It binds us
Eminently in two 

By an obligation that cannot be broken

Once spoken 

Into a niche 

A place of serenity

Between all worlds 

So hold strong 

As it pulls us together
To renew 

For in the silvery mists
We will be reunited in time again 

With a walk through the fallen down leaves

Of the Grieving Groves
Just you and me

To then walk into the bright glorious sunlight 

Smiling and singing 

Forever and ever 

As St. Peter's
The Eternal Toll Keepers 

Golden bells
Start ringing 

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Daltikia

(A lone voice whispers.)

If your hope fades 

And the world seems unrepentant 

Look for me in the stars 

Call to me 

For even though 

Where I am now 


Is too far to cross 

Whisper my name in any given mirror 

And I will come 

For my envoys 

The Metikia

Are within the scrying glass

Old ones with broken hearts 

Patroling the Demarcation Zone 

Between your world and mine

Black crows 

Hiding in the dark winds 

Of the 

Great Who Knows 

For in your loneliest moments 

Looking out of your life's window

Whenever you feel left behind by the world

Call  to me through my envoys 

The Metikia 

So I can appear in the shadows 

To hold your soft hand 

And together 

Endure any storm 

As the depressing winds 

Of humanity blow


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

The Babylonian Weeping Willow

 In an emotional transitional state

I danced inside 

Eyes aflame
With my synapses 

Sending electrical soul kisses

Up and down my sinuous spine

Like bites from the Australian Acanthophis 

My own Fleur-De-Lis

In my secret library 

Representing the beauty of life

And Holy Trinity 

Infused with the light and power of the Virgin Mary 

And like a familiar name
Carried like a secret parcel in the winds 

Of change 

Like a sweet butterfly
Kissing my skin 

Wearing a beautiful coat of stunning Summer colors 

I remembered our time together

Even though it was ephemeral 

Surrendering myself
Like a fallen general 


That's why love can never be cerebral

For intelligence always gives way

To emotions and instinct

Like a white feather 

And it's why I always return 

Surrendering at the ebb and flow

Of Memories rivers 

The Universe closes its huge doors forever 

For true love will never be extinct 

If you're brave enough to see 

Where Memories Rivers

To reach the place of rainbows

A truly magical emotional bordello 

In the strange lands 

Of The Babylonian Weeping Willow

Copyright John Duffy 

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Luna's Last Letter

 A theme centered around wrongful persecution. 

(The Spanish Inquisition.) 

Can you imagine the horror of seeing the baying crowd approaching, ravenous for their version of justice?

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Luna's Last Letter

(A shaking hand writes)

To anybody

I can hear them coming for me 

With their lit torches and dirty pitchforks

In long queues of smelling degradation 

A poor woman in the dim woods 

It wasn't my gods and goddesses who stopped their rain and ruined their crops 


Bringing pain 

Hunger and destruction

I am not ashamed of my faith or my resurrection

I write and leave this note 

Under this floorboard 

So my name saunters on  

Over this crazy threshold

Watched by Achelois 

She who washes away pain

My beloved moon goddess 

Who always hangs on the horizon 

In the cold

But one day 

Under this cavern 

Six feet underneath this world 

Where I'll soon lay 


When they break-in 

In a place where sun or light 

Doesn't reach or play 

I'll rise up one day

The sun will shine again

My breath will be short and sharp 

On Judgement Day


When I kiss the dry soulless mouth of Brother Persecution that stole me 

And sent me into the Grey Sea 

I can soon see 


For me to swim in 

Before me

But when I return 

We'll sit together 

Side by side 

As memories of my old world 


Like crimson tumble reeds 

Glowing and


As the ashes of more of his newly condemned 

Float by 

While my beloved 


She who washes away pain


As I once again

Whisper her name


Copyright John Duffy 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Writers Monologue

Press play before reaching. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

We and all

Our kin 

Are like the many unknown names 

Courageously written and weaved


The Secret Books of History 

Many would never believe 


Mysteriously walking upon wet shores 

Of a fourth planet 

Spinning in the deepest of space

Our devotion holding us

Knee deep in rivers of love or hate 

In the human race

As if we were nearly buried alive

And with newly empowered adrenalin-filled eyes 

We witness daily

The stunning emotional explosions worldwide  

And like worshippers of rediscovered Old Gods

We try to create a new written 

Golden Age of Byzantium in words

Filled with only fine art and poetic pieces 


The word shapers who hide in the wild woods of our keeps

Where we sleep 

By firelight

Until the moon rises and kisses her lover 

Father Sky

Announcing us to wake 

To then slowly write on soft pages 

In our own

Books of Red Pleasure


To be perused and used 

By soft fingertips 

And lonely hearts  

For their own inquisitions 

And at their leisure

We will write about seeing the true face of the world 

As the Wolf Moon rises

As we lie sated 

Upon the ever-flowing Sands of Fate 

We will record

For historical footprints 

In Digital ink

How the new forms of circumscription begin

We will create unique raw 

intuitive insights 

In the longest of nights 

Creating Legacies

Which may ignite minds

To be then lit up 

Like Guy Fawkes on Bonfire night 

Heralding a new vision 

Of a twisted version of a place 

Corrupted by the Father of Temptation and the power of the pound or dollar 

To invoke sin

And as we look on 

As old empires fall

We will pray to the skies 

Like primitive tribes 

For we are but some of the mythical narrators

Eternal Scribes

Who'll never grow old 


Who create a millennium of hidden stories

In time 

Simply to hijack any inquisitive minds 

They can find 


We are just reborn endlessly as poets 

Writers and

Singer-songwriters today 

No longer

Residents of any known time frames 

That can seduce

And lead you into 

The Brown Fields of Disarray

But just souls sentenced again 

From The Purple Story Houses 

In The Great In-Between

To feed curious minds 

Which are perpetually ravenous for shorties

Just like you 

To explore these few words 

With an overwhelming need  

To consume 

Short enchanting new glorious stories like these 

Written by firelight 

In my holy room 

Thanks for reading and until the next time. 

Remember, it's great to à deux!

Readers and writers 

Do it all the time


Copyright John Duffy 


In this context:

Restrict (something) within limits.

A Deux 

Adjective . : involving two people especially in private. A cozy evening à deux.

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The Wise Words of the Eternal Boatman. .

(A lone old voice, whispers.)

At the very end 

When I ferry you over 

To the overrun shores 

Of The Great In-Between

All that can save your soul 

Before you cross the Red Barrier of The Judiciary 

In the middle of the waters 

Of that endless Black Sea

Will be

A once in a lifetime taste 

Of Mother Loves 

Sweet kiss 

And all those 

Intrinsic moments 

Of profound 

Unselfish kindness and bliss 

That even in death 

You will always miss 

Want some advice 

Do more good

Before you enter 

These wet shorelines 


Endless raging dystopia 

While your Life's purple door 

Is still open 

To help circumvent any pain that will appear 

When you stand broken 

Since there are no more chances to let hope in 


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

From Gaslighting to Freedom

Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice sings) 

Did you believe 

I was going to 


Just one of life's  

Many lost souls

Always on patrol 

Full of indecisions and strange decisions

But when constantly pushed

Full of new wisdom and newer transitions 


How I bet you wished 

You hadn't pushed all those buttons

Told me strange stories and convincing lies

Said it's your imagination 

You're seeing things that aren't there

To help me make those 

Seemingly conquerable revisions

To finally find the real strength 

To see through the mists

Maybe now 

That I'm free 

I can grow and bloom

For those old chains are now broken 

Lying on the floor 

In our old bedroom

And I'm no longer living 

In your own Medieval Inquisition 

I'm now free from your Gaslighting

No longer unhappy or constantly fighting

No longer delusional

But walking 

With peace and happiness 


My future's bright 

For I've seen the light 

You're now never 


For with this song

I finally cast you out

Now go 

Walk out of this room 

Take all your suitcases

And gaslighting

And watch this red rose



Copyright John Duffy

Image shared via Pinterest under fair usage policy.

Do emotional poems resonate more?

I think so. 

Inspired by Gloria.

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Voicemail left for Monica

(A lone voice whispers)

I know you're listening 

So don't disguise your profound love for me 

With such acts of disdain

But later tonight

When it gets late

Let my mind 

Reach out as I send it

To touch you 

Through my supernatural senses

To soothe any pain

That may still remain

To reach out 

To gently touch 

And caress 

Your inner core and silhouette

To unlock 

That secret lock

To the very doorway 

To your soul

So I can walk past all the strutting catwalks 

Filled with figures

From years and years 

Of so many well-built defenses 

Until I can see the real you

So you can give me

That look 

That feverish look that whispers

In an unspoken language 

Of a sensuous love

That will come


One that can pull you up 

By your shoelaces and coattails 

If you're falling 

One look that 


Who sees it 

Could ever 

Forget it

One that paints a fascinating tapestry 

Of contrasting images and whispering emotions

Painted with such striking deft brush strokes 

Capturing incredible longing and intensity 

Pierre-Auguste Renoir 

Would surely

Dance in the Country 

A tapestry vibrating with a symphony of well-orchestrated bodies 


In slow motion

In late-night acts of fingertips and devotion

For true love only comes around 

Once in your lifetime

Like when Adam first found Eve

At the Dawn of Time

In The Garden of Eden 

In Zero BC

So Monica

Here's my number


Call me


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Saul Speaks

I once knelt at Saint Paul's Cathedral 

And prayed so hard for true love to appear


When the sunshine finally came and lit you up

Like a shimmering lake of bright moonlight

I knew deep down inside

I'd found some real magic

To carry me through 

All my long


Summer nights 


Copyright John Duffy

 Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Samuels Monologue


Like a lonely
Helpless castaway 


Amongst inner indistinct stars in my deep sleep 

I opened my green eyes

To gaze upon the blue

Seas of Tranquillity 

Beyond fear
Reason or hope 

Looking for a new freedom

Beyond irreducible traces 

Of all known possibilities 

To try to cope
With this thing broken in two 

But instead

When my emerald eyes opened

I saw I had ventured

To soft sandy shores 

Illuminated by magnificent

Sparkling red candlelights 

A place where lost souls travel to 

In The Off Limits Zones
When feeling lonely 

Or depressed
At midnight 

Within this beloved sleeping state 

With a sharp crackle of unearthly thunder and lightning 

You appeared
And I saw you 

The only one

Who I had been summoning 

And as we met and embraced

Upon those lucid imagined Shores 

And held on to each other so

I wondered down deep spiritual paths


To the Nexus of all Eternity 

Past the crying Banshee

The spellbound soul keepers of all Humanity

The Archons 

Past the forgotten
Pagan Ages of Dark Shadows 

Once so long ago cast by The Wing Makers 

From The Black Holes of Bastos 


As the world around me spun 

Like a revolving glass kaleidoscope 

Will she still love me tonight

Wherever she is 

This ageless beauty I always

Seem to chase
To run to 

In full flight 

The one I once wished to live with

Until my last night 

Who still leaves me lonely and

Drowning in cold wet tears in 

In the middle of this plight 

Or am I just another nightly

To that magnificent seashore

I visit 

Just past the Merovingian lightning

Solar Storms 

As I dream 

Always appearing to walk

Its twisted dark pathways


A dark place filled with self-ruination 

With so many others 

To that dam place
I am cursed
To revisit 

And dream about 

On the stroke of every midnight 


The Wetlands of the Unforgiving 

The Island of the Lost
In the Great In-Between 

Where Ageless Elementals stalk and hunt the living 

As they wander around
In the 5th Mystical Realm 

Of the

Looking for their preordained 

King or Queen

Copyright John Duffy 

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The Red Rose

(A lone voice whispers)

What in more sensuous exquisite pleasure

Can ever be summoned with such a small act 

An incantation spell

Of only spoken eight letters


I Love You 

To create such life-changing endeavors

To make you feel better 

What's beyond all earthy countermeasures or oppressors

What stands valiantly 

Perpetually bare and naked

Before all lost souls 

Whose essences pleads and 

Cries for its devotion 











And its other pheromone-linked spiritual yearnings

Have you too been before its alabaster ancient altar 

Said all you wanted your version of love to be

When you felt some unfamiliar virginal stirrings

Then prayed to disappear within its congregation's sway

To hold onto its secret handshake

Through its gift of a single free spiritual Red Rose 

That it always gives away

Or did you oppose

And return all its regal advice 

And dismiss all those soul-changing stirrings 

And cut up its freely offered Red Rose 

Its invitation and gateway

Its secret handshake

With your sharp judgemental knife

To put out any fires which may have started burning 

Did new lies or old emotions

Lingering like limpets

From old relationships afar 

Cause you to then


Like a wounded soldier

In one of the world's many civil wars

Did a new chance at

A Greek Goddess's 

Exotic taste of sweet 


Bring no

Much needed salvation

Did that new prize within reach 


Old tears of guilt or hidden suppressed pain 

To rise like a typhoon 

Without resistance

And fall like rain 

Or did you embrace that 

Beautiful new gift

That unexpected surprise at sunrise

A priceless Red Rose and caught all those old tears

In motion

And bade them froze

Before they became an ocean

Does the sentence

Love appears when it's most needed

To supersede all emotions

Even if it's once been cheated on

And will try to stay forever

If welcomed and greeted

Create something in you 

A stirring that you will never oppose

As you accept the chance of new love and eventually 


Its secret handshake and free gift 

Of its exquisite Red Rose



John Duffy 

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The Song of Simon

 Press before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice sings.)

I am abandoning 

My post today


Outpost 4 

And walking through 

Another door

To a new place

To stay

Throwing away

My scrying glass 

Back into 

The grey rivers of 

The Dimitri

No longer afraid

To step

Into the deep blue 

Sea of Dreams

Brave enough

To swim past icebergs 

Of prosecution

For absolution 

Of all who see 


Going beyond 

The Carpathian Mountains

Past burning vortexes and fountains 

Away from lost souls

Who come at me

With lit torches and pitchforks of calamity

Away from 

False gods and goddesses 

Who sow paths of destruction

To find resurrection 

In the bright lights 

Of accession

To be eternally free

I am abandoning 

My post today


Outpost 4 

And walking through 

Another door

To a new place

To stay

Throwing away

My scrying glass 

Back into 

The grey rivers of 

The Dimitri

No longer afraid

To step

Into the deep blue 

Sea of Dreams

Brave enough

To swim past icebergs 

Of prosecution

For absolution 

Of all who see 


Going beyond 

The Carpathian Mountains

Past burning vortexes and fountains 

Away from lost souls

Who come at me

With lit torches and pitchforks of calamity

Away from 

False gods and goddesses 

Who sow paths of destruction

To find resurrection 

In the bright lights 

Of accession

To save me


Copyright John Duffy

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Song of Jericho


Press play before reading. Salute. 

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Sing your song

Sing it strong

Don't be denied 

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

For your heart knows

Where you belong

By our Lord's side

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Baptized by all those painful tears

You've cried

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Wherever you go

Sing your song

Sing it strong

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

For The Almighty provides

Like an immortal guide

With arms  

Open wide

In which to rest  

Tired eyes 

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

And in that silence 

Reflect and confide

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho

Will you let him in 

To reside

And help combat sin

Before you join

The so many other Faithless 

Who's died

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Only to be hunted down

By the Devil and his kin

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Take faith 

Wherever you go

To combat sin

Oh Jericho 

Oh Jericho 

Share your light

Even though you've cried 


Copyright John Duffy

Monday, May 15, 2023

Lyrics of Life

 (A lone voice whispers.)

Press play before you read. Salute.




Cn every falling raindrop 


By all the world's many

Illuminated natives

From nearly every rooftop 

Is freedom



A song 

Sung in every wet embrace 

From every treetop 

The greatest symphony of all life

No matter how much this life hurts 

When it sometimes

 Cuts so deep 

With its emotional knife



Run wild my child 

They each sing in every teardrop 

Before your time comes 



Try to say 

I truly lived before I died 

And all my love

 I willingly left behind

I gave 

And helped so many others 

To survive 

Like it was my only state of mind 



To all

I could find

Before my flickering candle 

Blew out 

And from this beautiful life

I resigned 

From mankind



I truly lived before I died 

And all my love

 I left behind

I gave 

And helped so many others 

To survive 

Like it was my only state of mind 



To all

I could find

Before my flickering candle 

Blew out 

And from this beautiful life

I resigned 




Copyright John Duffy 


A faint whisper

If you once felt and experienced something

Truly magical

Really spiritual

A connection like never before

Don't burn that memory bridge back to it

Leave that door 


Slightly ajar

For those days

One day

After all the pain has been extinguished

Will still be some of your good days

Memories linked to relationships can be painful

But in the quiet hours


And with music playing

Or maybe enjoying the silence

You too will still remember 

Those you once loved

From childhood through to adulthood

Those once beautiful souls

Who were brave and strong enough

To smile and beguile us

Even though the sad moments 

Like a golden ritual Athame knife 

Still cuts


And maybe will make you weep

When you realize 

Those golden days may have died

But they can still live on

 If you're courageous enough

To let sweet memories and pain



Copyright John Duffy

Big Stan's monologue


(A grieving soul whispers)


I pray to dream

But here I lay


Pitched in a grey tent of fatigue

Like a weary soldier 

Suffering from PTSD 

Laid out 

Like a green funeral wreath

Begging for eternal


On mountains

Of sweat stained white sheets

But sleep never comes 

To climb to the summits of my peaks

So here I am

Just another lost


Crying for mercy and salvation 


Amongst the insomnia masses

Like a weary grief stricken sheep  


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Monologue of Father Bartholomew


(A lone voice whispers)

If I could reveal things 

You've never seen

Which is to come


Gained from The Black Books of Secreta

Here in The Great In-Between

I'd have to burn my sacred oath 

Made to Saint Malachy

A pledge made 

In The Grand Theatre of Sper 

Visions so heavenly  

So celestial 

But dark

To speak of such things

Would be treasonous

Would be to break it

But know this

The Black Books of Secreta

Here in The Great In-Between

Whisper of Darkness


The Fall of All 

You know

But also of a glorious light

To push back the darkest of nights

So wear your faith

As your shield

Pray and never be tempted to yield

For the Four Horseman of The Apocalypse

Have started to ride 

In the lower Dimensions Fields

Find a holy place 

Fill it with grace

Deep inside

To prepare

For dark water rises

For strange things 

Grow in power

As the Veil of Aquarius is slightly lifted

Even if you know

What's changed or shifted

Even if you're gifted

Dark gods have taken over the minds of some men

Now dark souls 

Who shun the powers of prayer and amen

But there is still 

A light to be found

A candle to be lit

A voice to soothe

With its profound sound

Peace to be shared

If you're open to give

As you still live

The Black Books of Secreta carries your name 

You know

Lists all you do and say

If I can read it

So can the Principalities


Embedded in the world's many shadows

And sideshows

So do more:

Eph. 6. [12] 

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,

but against principalities, 

against powers, 

against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Do more 

So I can help you to

Amare Vita (L)

Love life



Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Rainbow Bridge


In a deep dream

I saw an old wooden bridge

A bridge of green and blue

Filled with yellow flowers and red roses

At the front of a huge crowd of watching blinking eyes

Stood a regal black Dobermann

He seemed quite confident and approached

You may not cross here yet

He spoke 

Within my mind

These lands are for those who never forget true love


The companions

Of mankind

This is The Rainbow Bridge 

And over those ivy mountains 

Are the golden cities

Filled with happy owners and their sidekicks

The brothers and sisters of the Watchers

Who you now see

Before you


The Bellagio

A sea of eyes

Filled with love 

Who'll follow you 

Wherever you go

Waiting patiently 

In this rain or snow

For their beloved owners to show

Above you

If you look

Is a mirror 

So we can see the other side

To know when their time Too comes

To prepare to be reunited

When our true love

Say their final goodbyes

For true love never dies

Only fluctuates

As one walks 

Through a new gate

We are now at peace

No pain

No anxiety 

Just happy to sit and wait for our soulmates

To cross The Rainbow Bridge

For there is no time

And no such concept of being late

Now go

Astral traveler

And recount our meeting and greetings from me and

The Bellagio

And with a low bark

He turned and walked back into the sea of smiling eyes

Who all blinked in unison

Seemingly smiling

And disappeared

As the dream started to fade

He appeared once more


In the trailing smoke

And whispered before I could answer

It is I 


I have always been waiting for you

And as I woke and wrote

In my dream journal

The beloved  memories of Caesar returned

Making me smile

That he was waiting

Now at peace

Amongst his happy brothers and sisters

Beyond The Rainbow Bridge


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Monologue of The Dream God

(A lone voice whispers)


Tonight be the moment 

We hold hands

Will the Sabbath

Sunday monsoon

Call together

Our depressed bodies 

Like the eclipse of the eternal lovers

The Hot Sun and the Cool Moon

Will tomorrow

Drown our sorrows

As early-morning sparrows 

Sing and 

Dance to a crescendo of sonnets

That rings out

Like Town Cryer bells

Throughout the day

Until tomorrow 

For when true love wanes

 And desire causes you pain

Call to me

Speak my name and I will listen

Whisper those words we once glistened 

With our sacred oaths

For I know you've never forgotten

The ones hidden in those glittering glass shards of your shattered heart

Now that I'm gone

And in daylight

We are apart

For the air

Particles and atoms

Are my envoys

Above the noise

My voice lingers in the side winds 

Of the temporal frequencies

From here

In The Great In-Between

For when it seems you are all forsaken

Always remember you're safe in my embrace

Until you awaken

For I'm The Dream God

The Shadow Walker

Majesty of all the UnderLands

Stalking your dreams


The Lord of Darkness

Just call to me



Deus Somnia

Visita me nocte (L)



God of Dreams

Visit me tonight)

And I'll appear

To hold your hand


Copyright John Duffy

Images shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Have you heard the call?

 (A lone voice sings.)

Press play before reading.




Sister or mister

Can you feel it in the tiny spaces 

In your soul

That low vibration  

Calling out 

Into the middle of the night 

With a low whisper

If you do 

Look to the Wailing Moon  

It will guide you home

To my Red Sky 

Where some of my purple doves fly 

And low shadows 


Underneath and in 

Their locked rooms and catacombs 

Follow the whispering trail 

Of my falling golden messages 

It leaves 

Walk past 

Lord Dagu 

In Spring

The leader of Those 

Who Deceive 

When their bells 

He rings

Follow that incredible feeling 

In Winter 

Like it's your life's only reason 

Hear it in your heart 

From now  


So you can start 

Whatever the season

For your audience grows  

In our woodland groves 





Sisters and




Old lovers or


All watch 

How you run 

Standing or dancing round 

Our huge burning pyre

Waiting for you 

To crossover 

When you retire

To take your place 

In the dancing circle 

By the Endless Fire

And embrace the magic 

Of Omaru 

It's endless power 

As you dance forever 

Under its Dark Tower 

As lost voices 

Ring out in joy

Like golden summoning bells


The Eternal Winds of Lauter 

As they dance and yell 

In all weathers

Now we live 

In happiness 


Purple Rain 

We only want to dance round the fire 

In the rain 

No more pain 

No more pain 


We only dance round the fire 

In the rain

Purple Rain 


Copyright John Duffy

Images shared under fair usage policy.


Prince is still making music, somewhere!


Thursday, May 11, 2023

How hearing voices in the dark, began.


Press play before reading. Salute.

Well I know you're here 

Dear listener

For I  know you can hear my 


That inner one you use to read 

Like all the of the living 

As your hungry eyes linger on each of these intriguing lines 

Ignoring your life's many compelling noises 

As they for attention pine

Shall I'll begin

So before walking and crossing over like one of the world's last wild cowboys

Through the metaphysical blue portal 

To here

Sheol of secret place filled with those who once sinned

Before being summoned like a loyal servant by a mysterious spell

A never seen ringing bell

In my soon-to-come precarious dreams 

To hear unnatural voices 

Hailing from The Great In-Between

One wet night in late September 

If I remember 


In the maelstrom and swirling darkness 

We foolishly sometimes call sleep

A beautiful angel called Lady Poetry 

Crept into my view 

As I slept

She whispered such enchanting tales to my higher self 

Of how many would visit 

And pass on stories of their lives 

As they reminisced

Since those lost souls need this process 

As a form of catharsis 

They needed a friend to express their thoughts like you

About why they still grieved and wept

She continued and whispered 

That I was simply a new conduit from an old place 

We Angels called The Abyss 

And with a parting soft kiss

She disappeared, and then the many voices appeared 

From sleeps swirling grey maelstroms and mists

Voices from new and old disciples 

Trying to plead and bargain their way home

Speaking to memories 

Or of people left in their old world

Through whispers 

Spoken to me in the middle of the night 

As they tried to atone

How do I hear them I was once asked


Within a year or so, of those strange ethereal dreams

And being tasked 

By Lady Poetry

Strange unknown visitors 

Suddenly started appearing within my lucid deep streams

Long-deceased ghosts reciting poetry of love



And all other emotions one could ever feel 

When they once lived 

In the breathing spaces 

In The Great In-Between

And so it begins with tonight's voice in the dark

As I sit lonely here

In my private writing booth 

My darkened room

My den

Illuminated only by my beautiful Tiffany lamp

With my black Remington typewriter for company as my pen

In my mind’s eye 

A shimmering electrically charged stage has suddenly appeared

As it always does

All black save for a type of bright white spotlight in the middle

Like a striking beam of lightning 

A figure has appeared and stepped into the light from the shadows

Into view


Bearded and wearing a white shirt and a dark Mac with piercing blue eyes

He speaks

My name is William


Will you recite my stories to the world

Oh narrator from the lands of the living

Who am I to say no? 

I whisper and so it begins as always

William speaks

Will you listen

I just want my Lucinda to know these words

I never got the chance to say 

Before that car struck me down and I died in that early morning ambulance 

On that so busy motorway

Just still know 


Before you got that fatal call

I can now express better what my soul begs to confess 

If we were worth nothing or rich beyond compare

I would still stand beside you and just try to love you

If you were scared

Frightened or just weighed down with life and all its intense baggage

I would gladly rush in to help carry all your burdens

If you were mad or just simply sad

I would quickly reach out with empathy

Overflowing with an electrifying passion 

To just embrace you in a hug of complete compassion

If you needed some love and light 

In the middle of a lifetime

I would just simply appear through inspired lines 

Like this prose to hold you tightly

Simply to remind you

All your feelings of guilt or pain are also mine

If you needed anything profound 

Beyond my care or abilities

I would just try to simply love you 

From afar

For ours

Lucinda is but a silent union 

Free from physical excesses 

But now entwined and spinning endlessly

Lost in the spiritual cosmos 

Beyond time and space

Until we meet again

I'll always watch over you 

As you with our beautiful children

Alastair and Erin

Run your race 

Goodnight my love 

Sending so much love and light 

From here 

The Lands within Lands 

Only found in The Hidden Places

Copyright John Duffy
