. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Ode to Rosabella

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Ode to Rosabella

(A low voice chants.)

The Great Halls of Kathia 

Still, sing your name 

The gathered souls 

Who Remain 

Scream like the Profane 

For you 

Who played 

The Great Game so well 

And ascended 

Before being tempted 

By Hell 

Travel well 

Newly risen Angel 

They cry in Latin 

Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrexit Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole 

Maybe we'll see you soon 

If The Keeper of The Keys 

Let's us in 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrect Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Maybe we'll see you soon 

If The Keeper of The Keys 

Let's us in 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrect Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

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