. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Hypnotic Black Brigade

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Hypnotic Black Brigade


For all the what-ifs and what for's

And all those crazy games 

We once lovingly played


Those forgotten ones 

Maybe clumsily waylaid

And now carefully 

Put away

Just know

They were always worth the price 


Those now 

With bowed heads 

Standing shining 

Proudly on parade

Waiting for my attention 

To be fully vetted and paid 

As jealous slow-moving shadows 

In the background 

Of a new life

Smile Laugh 

And wave 

Dancing a Mephistophelian jig 


Listening to songs and sounds 

Sung and made 

By the Devil's 

Own seductive band 

The hypnotic 

Black Brigade 


Copyright John Duffy

Image used under fair usage policy. 

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