. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Old Souls Monologue

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Old Souls Monologue

I crossed over

In March 

On the fifth

In the year of our Lord


All these years 

I've sat 

Patiently waiting for you

I've watched 

Our old world


Through the blackest of nights 

Witnessed hearts bleed

With incomprehensible need

Seen corruption and 

 illusions unfold 

As the seduced welcomed evil

Into their strongholds

Watched shining stars fall

Thinking of my fate 

As I wait



When will she call me 

And walk through that gate

That I look to

Down that dark road

Every second 

Whenever I think

Of you

I've looked in

Old memories that beckoned

Explored all the who knows

Linked to sin

Chased paper boats

With endless time 

Just hoping

She's coping

In Heaven

And not broken 

In the Deep Divine

But still


Upon this rock 



Even though the Mendli

Think I'm crazy


But my old Love 

Still cuts me open


Making me cling

 To an old life

Dreams of a new beginning

So angels

Forgive me

But hear me


Take my hand

And lead me home 

To her

Give me the Star Fire

If this can't happen

Or you can't do it

For I fear

I can no longer


For the opening of that gate

So let me cross the burning sand barriers

Step straight through the eternal fire

 For is waiting for true love

The price worth this pain

As one 

Moves on

And one remains

Show me a happy couple

And I'll show you the fire that ignites 

 And it's that light

That I pray

Keeps carrying me

On horseback 


All these 

Endless nights


Copyright John Duffy

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