. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Are you a type A B or C?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Are you a type A B or C?


Are you: A.

A rhymer

A gatekeeper to old or new emotional sensations

Demanding a freedom

To live in a new format

For real eyes to read 

From the human nation 

Or are you: B.

A young or old timer

Like a goldminer 

From 1827

At Coker Creek

In the high country of Monroe County 


Searching for the right lines 

Like pure gold

To express and extinguish a cold uncontrollable fire 

To turn your soul into one of Poetry's 

Many soldiers who love all nighters 

Going to war everyday

Against tones and metaphors

Juxtapositions or cold terror 

Or are you: C.

Just another lone driver 

Stuck on the highways of dreams 

With a blown tire

Searching for someone new 

To become real fighters Together 

To also love Poetry's all nighters 

With a mirror image to hold tighter and to help make the load 


Or are are you just a mixture of the three?

A represents the need to just write poetry for pleasure.

B represents the need to just write poetry for catharsis

C represents the need to just write poetry while seeking solace in someone special

Who shares the same bliss 


Copyright John Duffy

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