. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Conversation in Hell

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Conversation in Hell


In these dark times, you need your faith, whatever it is.

Even more. 


Do you like poetic stories?

There's a great game afoot.

The prize?


if you get hooked 


The Conversation in Hell

′In Hell, a lower devil asked a very successful, higher devil.

 "Your lost souls count is spectacular. How do you turn so many beyond 

Even the likes of Brother Count Dracula?"

The successful devil, smugly answered:

Team work and dark temptation with my other six princes.

So to Hell 

We could take souls to be forever anchored 

Using the power of temptation on people 

Who take the Lord for granted.

And making them believe only they matter


Social media

Infused with our dark matter

Sure does make the new herd gather harder


People stay in and

Stop meeting 

Hugging or greeting each other.

From sons and daughters

Fathers and mothers

All fools becoming obsessed with self-imagery 

Causing their soul wilful injury 

Relinquishing their humanity and that's when we step in 

With The Lanterne of Light

Brother Lucifer bringing Pride

Beelzebub bringing Envy

Satan: Wrath

Abaddon: Sloth

Mammon: Greed 

Belphegor: Gluttony

And I Asmodeus. 


For with pride begets envy

Jealously turns into Wrath

Wrath turns to Sloth

Laziness and apathy 

Fuelled by greed to

Gluttony and lust 

And making them believe all our lies 

And in doing so

Losing their empathy 

We do this all the time 

In newspapers or online

On platforms they are brainwashed to trust 

Telling them to live online

With this line

Who needs freedom 

When you live online in a new kingdom

And so it happens

Sad souls living and lying about their lives online

Knowing it's wrong but won't admit it

Envious of family and friends


Chasing fame and fortune but won't do the work

Twerking for Mammon with greed 

Feeding Belphegor's gluttony 

While I Asmodeus

Give them 


The darkest gift any soul needs

And in that manufactured life of presenting success

They die every day at our request 

While encouraging their corruption

In the process 

Only to finally fall when they forget the Lord

And we lead them to Hell 

By The Lanterne of Light

To join our legions and hordes

And it's why I hold the highest souls count

The underworlds

World record

For I make them addicted with a lust for life 

So they forget two simple things which can save their immortal soul

Asking for forgiveness through prayer for the chance to be transformed.

The end.


Moral of the story.

Don't let the darkness in.

It comes calling in many tempting forms you know!

Social media, in any form can easily turn into a form of addiction.


Hate, fear, jealousy, envy, sloth, lust and so much more. 

Sending best wishes and blessings. 

Be safe in spirit as well as life. Salute. 


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