. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Deathless God's

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Deathless God's


A whisper from a deep lucid dream, filled with darkness and pain.

Probably a dire consequence of the world stage, today.

Does world events sometimes influence your poetry?

I think I already know the answer.



The Deathless God"s

(A lone voice whispers)


All the abandoned offspring of the Khloris

Lost souls caught in the spinning vortex of the Universal Principals

Doomed and baptised at birth 

To blindly chase love war sex and greed

Money and power as the unforgiving winds of yesteryear 

Blow into the new pages of tomorrow 

Where nothing seems to change 

As we sadly watch down through the ages

Naked and rebellious

As the day you were given the fruit of life

Soon you will all fall before us in endless multicoloured lines

On your spiritual knees

Like the many new slaves of the Agento and worship us

The Deathless Gods

For you are so sentenced for being so reckless 

And no other power in the Universe can repel us

For we are the Nexus

The wise ones 

But you
The stupid ones

Always overconfident and soon to be headless 

If you don't change your spiritual ways and reject us

You'll just have to accept us

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

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