. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Atonement Dreaming

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Atonement Dreaming

 Press play.

Atonement Dreaming

(A broken man sings as the sunsets while nature pauses and listens)

Loving You

Is still so easy

The husky voice 

That sweet smile

Lighting up my life

With your Love

Like lightning 

For a country mile 

As it still frees 


So when my sun finally sets

And my tired eyes 

No longer 

Need to get wet

As I take my last breath

I'll remember 

Loving you was easy

And why it still frees me

The husky voice 

That sweet smile

Lighting up 

My life

With your Love

Like lightning 

For a country mile 

And that's why

I'll always 

Love and remember you

For your love

For a guy like me

Will always echo

Into eternity 

For loving you 

Is still so easy

For your sweet love

Once helped 

Save me


Copyright John Duffy 


Image shared under fair usage policy.

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