. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Monologue of the Enlightened Soul

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Monologue of the Enlightened Soul

(A lone voice whispers)

When you take a physical form in this plane of existence 

In time and space

You also manifest an astral body

To help you run your race

In Kashmir Shaivism 

We call it puryashtaka rupa which is Sanskrit

In case you didn't know it

And just like the physical form

Your astral body has the same nervous system and these nerve currents are called Hita Nadis

And within these nerve currents pass the true beauty of you 


This is me moment

Like spiritual electricity 

Saving every moment of your life ready for your next incarnation 

For when it's time to reincarnate

We never die you know

We just walk to a new gate

And all that stored information is used in your update

For you become what your consciousness

Or subconsciousness 

Craves or hates

For you and you 


Are the creators of your own heaven or hell


Traumatic or ecstatic situations 

For your soul to grow and be ready for a better time 

In the next round


If you're going through a hard time

Are lonely 


Or feel weary 

Don't worry 

It will soon get better 

Good times appear when you least expect it

And like a rainbow

Your life will soon shine

With a multitude of colors 

Everywhere you go

Just remember Perseverance will be your eventual deliverance

And if you're having a good life

Are loved

Happy and content 


Your struggles and kindness paid off in your previous life

Wherever you came from or went

In ending 

Don't take life too serious

You will get another chance 

So fill your puryashtaka rupa

In this life

With as many incredible moments as you can

Help to be kind

When you can

Live with any form of love

You may find

And maybe the One'ness

Will reward you

In your next lifetime 

For you 

And only you

Are your soul's


For when you come back

Do want a better life

Or a hard one that could lead to an early heart attack 



Copyright John Duffy 



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