. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The voice of the Mytakiia

Monday, September 30, 2024

The voice of the Mytakiia

Press play

( A lone voice whispers)

Are you good in spirit 

Kind and filled with compassion 

Or do you want to join the horde

And beg for an epiphany from our lord

For I've seen

The newly indentured 



Like forever

In this endless rain

On this unhallowed sand

In this no man's land

When they realise their holy dreams have died

In pain

In reflective wet


Seen hearts once made out of stone 

Torn out of cold sides

And laid

By the wayside

As lost souls



As the Watchers

Beyond the Great Shadows

In their hundreds

Smiled and chuckled

At the newly condemned

As they suffered

Seen Antediluvian Kings

Of once great renown 

Fall and kneel

And curse the black sky

Using every known verb to implore how they feel

Watched cities

Of the wailing

In their numbered caves

Plead for forgiveness 

Like the 72 

Imprisoned by King Solomon's seal

All this I've seen

And so much more

But amongst these mists

A new seat

In one of our caves

Always awaits 

Its number for the


On that door

Is always eight

Covered in a million old etched in names

It could carry your name

Like mine

Into oblivion

But if you still feel the compulsion

To do what's right 

To walk the good walk

Who knows

We The Mytakiia

The followers of the slow path to salvation 

Might never see you 

On any given night

In these grey land

Of wailing and pain

To stand like 

Those lost 

Like us 

Before the centuries of pleading our case

The wailing multitude 

We call the Profane

Who stand still crying into the endless rain

Asking for forgiveness 

From a higher power

Of no name


Copyright John Duffy

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The Invocation of Xo